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Waking up this morning to the most beautiful woman in the world needed to be added to the wonders of the world,

I had woken up pretty early and realized that I couldn't sleep anymore so I took the liberty of watching her sleep and indeed she was worth the wake.

Thinking back to the time we spent together yesterday from the morning to the latter made me happier than I ever thought possible,

After breakfast we had decided to stroll through the outskirts of the town,  we got to meet the community people,  we took  lots of pictures with the locals,   went to the mountain that had a clear view of the city to watch the sun set before we decided to head back to the hotel,

It wasn't exactly what I thought we'd be doing considering everything that was happening between us and the drama her parents had her wrapped up in,

But somehow what we had was better than anything else I could have planned,   mostly because I could see that she had opened up a little more,

Then when we got back and I could see she was ready for our talk and honestly I was too,  but I needed to choose my words carefully, and I needed to explain my actions without making her feel any  lower than she already did,

It was going all good till she had told me that she never got the emails back then,  I was beyond pissed at her family,    maybe we could have been married a little longer,  or probably still in a relationship,  or even had a kid or two, who knows, but somehow they still took that away from us,

I couldn't remain angry at them cause on a brighter side it gave her a chance to be her own person, and it also gave me a chance to grow in my way,

We turned out to be two people who went through the fire but never let it burn us to the breaking point,  instead we rose above the flames and scattered the ashes it left on its woke, and came out the other side alive and strong,   with a deeper level of appreciation and want for each other,

Although scarred individually and marred for life we were ready and willing to give it another shot because in the end it was always going to be just the both of us.

My favorite part of our conversation was when I proposed in a more responsible manner,  

I had gone back to the jewelry store and explained myself to the sales woman who had helped me previously, though I didn't tell her the deeper details but she understood what I needed,   and somehow surprised me by the choice of ring she  made, 

I had planned to propose on the trip I was planning before the whole Arabella situation sprung up,  but then I realized that I didn't need to do it the way I imagined,  all I needed was her and a yes, everything would come into play on it's own.

Then she said yes and I knew in that moment that I would give my life for this woman,   Yes It  was going to take a while before we would be in complete Sync with each other but    I was sure that this was a good place to start.

When I cleared the air about the Arabella situation and she said she believed me I couldn't fathom what fabric this woman was made from,  I was so sure that she was going to doubt me and personally I didn't mind cause she had understandable reasons to do so,   but she surprised me once more by saying she believed me.

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