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Finally my wedding day was here, and I couldn't contain my joy.

Few days had passed since the Arabella situation,  and just as expected she was labeled the victim and everyone thought she didn't deserve been in that situation,    for me I didn't know what to feel about all of that,

She had been in a relationship with Adrian longer than I cared to remember and  honestly I felt deeply guilty for being the reason things  might never be the same for them anymore,

But just this once I was going to be selfish,   I may not deserve his love or affection, but I deeply hoped that he will consider even caring for me a little,
          "I've never met a bride who seemed more bothered than the usual nervousness "

I looked up at the voice that had snapped me out of my thoughts who also  happened to be my makeup artist,  I smiled and waved her concerns away,   if she only knew that this was more nerve wrecking than I cared to admit.


       Couple of hours later I was standing at the entrance of the Smiths Estate garden,  hanging off of Jace's arms,  I had begged that my father  give me away but he said,  in his own words :

        "Jace has been more of a father to you than you ever allowed me to be,  it's only natural he gives you away in marriage"

That had been another episode of a crying fest for me because he was my  father for christ sake,  I wanted him to be there,  I did everything he wanted because I wanted him to pay attention to me too,    so hearing him say something like that felt like he was indicating that I wasn't his daughter,    

When I got home and told Jace what happened, for very obvious reasons he was over the moon with joy,  telling me how just this once he and my father agreed on something,    I couldn't bring myself to keep getting mad because even if my father wasn't giving me away,    Jace was happily and willingly going to,

So that brings us to why I am  standing here with my Best friend and brother waiting to be ushered in,

I kept thinking about different scenarios, what If Adrian decided to change his mind about this and walk away?

   But  I shook those thoughts away,  now wasn't the time to allow my fear of abandonment kick in,   I had no idea I was clutching on Jace a bit tighter than before till he placed his free hand on top of mine,  then squeezed in reassurance.

         "You know it's not too late to back out of this madness right?"

Jace whispered looking at me with eyes that held deep depths of pity,

         "I know Jace, but I want to do this,   I need to know that someone can actually love me eventually"

             "I'm sorry that I'm unable to love you in that light,   but this is no way to find love,   you are young Alex,  someone will eventually come along "

       "The last someone who came into my life took off when he found out about my health situation Jace,   they always do"

         "So what makes you believe Adrian won't do same when he finds out about it "

He asked looking at me with so much worry than I had ever seen him do before,

        "I don't know Jace,   I don't know"
And honestly I didn't know,

        He was about to reply but was cut off by the sound of the instruments playing in the background,    it was the "Here comes the bride instrumental" ,    and also our queue to walk in.

I looked at Jace one last time before I tugged on his arm to walk me down the isle,   I would be a fool if I said that I hadn't thought of the possibility of Adrian leaving as soon as he found out about all my baggages,    but I was hoping beyond reasoning that his need to acquire Smiths Corp. Will over power his need to leave me too, if he couldn't purchase it then he couldn't leave me,

I didn't realize how far into the garden we'd gone considering I had many thoughts in mind but when I looked up at the man I was getting married to,  I knew in that moment that even if I was uncertain of the future,  I will try to enjoy every moment I find myself with him,

My eyes solely focused on the tall beautiful man  who stood confidently on the podium , though I could feel his condescending gaze  on me which tugged my heart
causing me to tighten my grip on Jace , my stomach tightened with nerves of uncertainty and fear,  my heart  beating faster than it should and my legs shaking as though they would give up on me  too

every breath that' left my parted lips felt forced and rugged because of the man who held my gaze with orbs laced with burning hate   and disdain,

soon he turned his Icy orbs from me then started making his way to us , my eyes which stayed  fixated on him took the chance to roam the body of this fit and perfect Adonis

his aura dripped utter authority and confidence,      taking steady strides towards us  without faltering even a little ,  he walked like a man who knew where he was  headed  and he planned on getting there .

          "Breath Moon, you'll be fine, and remember that I'll be here every step of the way"
I looked up at Jace and gave him a soft smile,  

he stopped moving as soon as we got to the presence of Adrian,  they both shook hands with each other then Jace stepped closer to Adrian and whispered something I couldn't hear,    Adrian nodded then turned to face me,

he didn't even smile at me , instead he tucked my hands into his elbow and began leading me back to the podium where he stood before, 

once we stood before the priest who i recognised as father Angelo,  he smiled softly at me then motioned for us to join our hands together.

we did as he said then he began officiating our wedding,    i took the opportunity and zoned out a little,

finally i was given the opportunity to be with Adrian,   although not in the best of circumstances but this was more than i could imagine,

Hopefully it's not the ending of the rope for me, cause if it is then I'm bound to fall and may never have the will to rise again.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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