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       Finally it was the day of the annual Ball for Kings Group, but for some reason I kept having a bad feeling nagging at the back of my mind that  something wasn't right and I couldn't shake it off,

Here I was searching for the perfect dress to wear so I could go give Adrian lunch at Smith Corp,

Honestly he had been nothing short of amazing,   he woke me whenever I slept in, fed me whenever he could,   though he still didn't talk much to me or even get any more intimate than feeding me but I was  glad that at least something was changing between us,

I couldn't let down my guard cause maybe I was afraid that all of this was just an illusion,

Couple of days back I had told Nanny Esther how I felt about all of this and she reassured me that she could see how much effort Adrian was making to be better for us,

I really wanted to believe  her but my fear of abandonment kept kicking in and reminding me that it could all be taken away in the end.

Jace and I had also had a lengthy conversation about my situation and he said he understood why I couldn't give my all yet but he also thought that what we needed was an honest conversation about what we were doing with each other and where it was headed,

I thought about it and agreed with him,  so that brought about me taking lunch to him,   I was hoping that I could maybe invite him to dinner at my favorite place,    it wasn't a date but I just needed to know that he would be willing to go out with me tomorrow night.

Finally i found a black dress that did my body absolute justice, it brought out the right curves and made me sexier than I was.

Quite some time later I had arrived the building with Mace who had decided to spend the week working directly with me,

I got out of the car and asked him to go ahead to the office,
Hopefully Adrian will have the time to drop me off ,   He smiled then kissed my head before he got into the car and drove off.

I quickly started walking inside the building,   but strangely something seemed off,  there were whispers among those in the floor,   although there were those who still came to me for pictures but that didn't stop the side talks and pitiful glance the older employees were sending me,

After a couple of pictures I speedily walked away and straight into the elevator,   they had never acted that way towards me before so what was the problem?

Shortly after,  I was standing at his door and i unconsciously swinged the door open cause I still felt shaken up by the attention I got downstairs,

But standing here this moment I guess I understood the reason for the whispers and the pitiful glances,

Because stood before were Arabella and Adrian in a lip lock,

My breath hitched and I gulped back the tears that rising before holding unto the door handle a bit tightly so I could get some balance,

He immediately pushed a now smirking Arabella from him and turned to me looking so mortified,  

I exhaled and inhaled multiple times so I don't get a panic attack, then I freed the door handle and started making my way out with a heart now shattered into pieces,

I had no right to be upset cause honestly he was just my  husband on paper,  and he was in love with Arabella so I understood,

I guess whatever kindness he was showing me was just pity, 
He never told me he loved me or anything like that, he never even suggested it or led me On so I guess he didn't owe me anything,

In my haze I pressed  the ground floor button in the elevator but when it was about to close someone stopped it,

        "Alex it's not what you think, please let me explain "
He said looking seemingly upset,

       "It's fine Adrian, I understand and I'm sorry for barging in like that"
He was about to say something but I didn't let him finish cause I pressed the start button so I could continue my movement,

Thankfully when I got downstairs everyone seemed too busy to be whispering so I took whatever pride I had left,  and walked outside hoping to call Jace to come pick me up,

Before I could make the call I saw Adrian's driver coming towards me,  I smiled at him and asked him to take me back home,   

I knew that the second I set eyes on Jace I might cry to death,   so I needed to be left alone, 

All I needed was to go home and get some ice cream,  then cull up in bed and watch an action film,  I need to avoid anything that'll make me cry,

I have an event tonight and I know that wherever my family are gathered there was bound to be drama,   so it's best I go there looking like all has been well with me,   Seeing them again almost a month later with puffy eyes and a beetroot face,  that wasn't the way to go.

Hopefully a day will come when I'm the only one Adrian loves like that, the only one he couldn't stay away from,  the only one he cared about enough to disregard what people might think,   I hoped that a day will come when he chose me instead,

But I also know that it's a fool's prayer,  cause whatever he and Arabella had was deep and it couldn't just end cause I learnt  to pray.

I have no idea what happens now but I hope there is a chance that I survive after tonight.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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