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It has been nothing short of a memorable experience so far,

Adrian had brought us to his supposed hide out also known as his beach house in Italy,

I had gotten quite close to my family especially Meghan,  we were Inseparable,

My parents and Adrian's father were the Wisdom in this family because without them we would have been the cover photos of magazines for the next few months, not that we would be doing something positive actually.

Adrian's father had found a really funny interest in the cleaners daughter  miss Catherine,  her husband and daughter had died in a car crash making her a widow at thirty eight years of age, hence her decision  to relocate to  her home town,

she told us how she worked multiple jobs but whenever she was on her leave she would join her mother at the bitch house,

My handsome father in law instantly took a liking to her and she in turn seemed to like him too if the constant blush she rocked whenever he was in the room was anything to go by,

I decided to play matchmaker after I'd asked Adrian if he was okay by it,   he said in his own words,

      "he's been a widower for nearly twenty six years, I'm sure he might have developed the blue balls, so please get them married yesterday if you can"

We had laughed so hard at his reply that everyone in the restaurant stared at us weirdly,

Since I got his permission I did nothing else but put them in compromising situations,   sometimes my parents would go as far luring him to her place of work at the local diner,

I could see it was working because they were getting more and more comfortable with each other by the day,

Jace on the other hand had joined us out here though he planned on staying a short while mainly because,

     "the Queen of the empire named him a regent King but forgot that she was supposed to come back at some point"

I felt guilty to an extent but he had assured me that this was good for him because it gave him the chance to spend every second with Mason,
Speaking of Mason brought so much smile on his face that I couldn't help but Aww at him,

He smacked my head telling me his relationship wasn't a fairytale to be Awwed at, I laughed a lot at that,

Then I asked him if he saw a future with Mason,   though nothing could have prepared me for the answer he gave,

   He said,    "What you talking about a future , I'm proposing to the man as soon as y'all get back home"

I had no idea I had actually began crying till he pulled me in a hug asking me not to cry else he would look like he did something bad to me and these people will think bad of him,

I smacked his head then burst into fits of laughter at his reason for asking me not to cry,      I congratulated him and asked him to make sure we got married the same day,

He seemed pretty excited about the idea so he agreed, telling me how Adrian and Mason will so Kill us when they hear of our plan,

Meghan laughed at us and said It  would be exciting because she was going to be the bridesmaid for the both of us,
This made me laugh so much but Jace glared at her then picked her up and started tickling her.

We had talked about random things after that till Jace asked Meg about her relationship with her actor boyfriend,

She had told us how they weren't stable,  mostly because she'd been hurt badly before and was scared of diving deeper into the relationship with him,   and also she felt like he wasn't exactly ready for anything but she couldn't tell especially because they had never had that conversation,

Jace had advised her to try to make it work because he knew Clayton from high school and the guy wasn't one to hurt a woman,   she had agreed and decided she would as soon as we got back to the states.

Today we were gathered at the beach with everyone laughing and swimming,  others playing like kids,   

Mace had finally joined us with Clayton, Mehgan' s boyfriend,
We had actually had a heart to heart talk and he had told me that he would wait forever if that's how long it took for Meg to open up and let him in,
To an extent it confused me and made me feel somewhat guilty,
Have I been so busy nursing my wounds and blaming them for not being there for me that I  unintentionally got blinded by self pity hence I never for once asked what they were going through?

I shook those thoughts away cause finally we were all giving another chance to right our wrongs and I had no plans of ruining it by thinking negative thoughts.

    "You look beautiful babe"
I smiled then looked up at my husband,
   "And you look as flawless as you did the first day I saw you walking the runway"

He smiled cheekily and pecked me before he continued
    "What do you Say?   One more show,  Same  Runway,"
I smiled at his proposal then nodded in agreement all the while looking at him like it was the first time I saw him,
Then I looked afar off to where out family made a camp fire,

  This has always been the life I wanted and finally I am blessed to have it even if it came later,

I am thankful that I met Jace, I would probably be dead without him,  I am thankful I had Grandma Louis because she pushed me to crawl across every step I couldn't walk through, 
I am thankful for our respective grandparents because they made this union possible regardless of the circumstances surrounding it,
I am thankful for my parents and sister for coming back in my life when I was ready to let it all go,
I am thankful for my father in law for giving me the most handsome man alive,

I am thankful most importantly
For Adrian for being in my life,  yes there was nothing stopping him from throwing it all away especially when he thought I did wrong by him in the beginning,  but he didn't,  instead he found his way back to me,

For everything I'm thankful,   because right now,  I am right where I should be,  in the midst of the most important people in the world,

      "I want to tell the world that before you became their miss Universe, - "
He stopped then kissed me real deep before he continued,

      You. Were.  And. Still. Are.

             " My Universe"

                THE END...

Epilogue. Next:-

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