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After our little incident during our honeymoon I decided that it was unfair to keep hating her especially with her been so clueless about why I disliked her in the first place

I didn't know how to apologize for the way I'd acted but I thought I could just start by making it up to her by doing the little things for her

Starting with the Event her family were hosting,   I had gotten the invitation as well and I was hoping that I would ask her as soon as we got back home but she had beat me to it,

When she walked into my office and began rambling I really didn't mean to Shut her down like that,  issue is that I'd been so rude to her that been nice to her was something I needed to learn,  and I promised myself that i was going to be better

I have no idea what I am actually expecting but I'd been hoping that she was no longer the cruel woman she was,

I'd spent a reasonable amount of time thinking back to the woman back then and the woman I have been with for almost two months,

My feelings for her actually never truly changed, I had loved her since that night I met her stopping her car just so she could help a homeless kid,

That was where it all began, I decided to keep things to myself for a while till I had decided to take things further with her,   but that was until that day all those years ago,

After then I moved on and never met her again,  I began paying attention to Arabella and in time I thought I fell in love with her,

That was till Alex came back into my life but this time I was been forced to marry her,  

Thinking back to those years ago I realized that I never got over what she did and hence the hatred  never died, 

That was of course till I spent two weeks with her coupled with the way she defended me during the press conference,

It made me realize that I had been hating her without even giving her a reason as to why.

So when she walked into my office and acted nervous about telling me to escort her I felt the need to comfort her, and that brought about the brief kiss we shared, 

I pulled away and looked down at her,  I didn't regret what I'd done but I felt like a jerk for doing it,  I was confusing her and that was definitely not right at all,  if I needed to win her back I needed to assure her that I wasn't going to suddenly pull away from her in the future, that was a better approach.

While in the jet I had watched her work on approving some funds for an event she was hosting,  though  I had asked Jace about that prior to the flight and he had told me her plans to sponsor the less privileged but he had also told me that he felt that this might be her trying to get closure,

I had asked what she was getting closure for but he said that was her story to tell and not he's,

I actually understood him so I didn't pry any further,  I hoped that a day would come when she would be comfortable enough to open up to me,   but I knew for that to happen I needed to have an honest conversation with her,   I needed to tell her why I tried ignoring her existence and hopefully we could move passed everything like normal people did.

By the time we had arrived my house she was already fast asleep, so I had to carry her into the room right opposite mine,  hopefully I could hear her if she needed anything, 

After covering her with the blanket I tried leaving but was stopped when she unconsciously wiggled out of the blanket and fisted on her clothes, 

I had seen Arabella do that multiple times especially when she was uncomfortable in the clothes she was sleeping on,  I would always undress her and change her into my shirts,

But this was a different situation,   I couldn't just change Alex's dress without her permission,   so I did the next best thing that came to mind,

I focused my eyes on the headboard and began undressing her as gently as I could so she didn't wake up,    then I went further to wear her the big polo I'd seen on her walk in closet,  and truth be told standing in her closet was like been in a shopping mall,

She had asked Jace to bring her things over, so she didn't go through the hassle of moving,
Jace in turn called me asking where he was supposed to keep them, and he specifically demanded a room that had a really big closet,

In his own words    "Moon has more clothes than ebay on morning sales"

I didn't think it possible so I asked for a picture for proof, and indeed he was right,    she had so many clothes yet Jace claimed these were the ones at the apartment they shared at the outskirts of the city, there were more at her condo unit and her penthouse,

I had asked him to bring them over whenever I had the chance to call the people who fixed the closets to turn either of the larger rooms in this floor into a full closet for her.

Anyways once I was able to dress her into a better sleep wear, I left her room and freshened up then went straight to bed, I was totally exhausted too, and I also needed to get some rest cause I knew I had a lot of work to do.

Waking up the following morning I freshened up and went straight to the gym so I could release some pent up nerves, especially the one at the lower region,   I had been rocking a painful hard on for a while now and it only seemed to intensify when I changed her into her sleep wear,  I guess It  is true that when you live with a sexy woman, hard-ons become your companion,

Finally I was able to focus enough and exercise then left the gym to go wake her up,  but thankfully she was already with Sarah at the dining room about to dig in,

I decided to go join her but when I got closer she looked like death honestly,  she still needed some rest and I planned on making it happen.

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That's all you gotta do for me

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