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Watching her smile was a perfect sight to behold and it had gradually become my favorite thing to see,

     "When I heard of the agreement between our grandparents it was quite unreasonable to me at the time,  hence the reason I made the demand to be given the fashion house, the agency and  The private jet,   it was because somehow I knew a day like this would come,   well not exactly how I imagined but it happened regardless,

My demands were approximately 35% of the companies total networth both in cash, land and properties hence cutting it down to a 65% total worth,     I think I am able to make the purchase,

Besides My grandparents made sure to leave a couple of millions in my name in their private Chambers in the old bank,"

     I smiled at her cause I thought of something Jace once said about Her,

     " That girl is rich enough to sit idle the rest of her life, she doesn't even know what she's worth when it comes to her money,  and when she says a couple of millions believe me she actually means a billion or a couple of dollars close to that, considering how rich her grandparents were  who knows the shit tons of money they left her,    I could easily guess those people might have done some illegal stuff in their past lives to be that rich"
  - "then Meghan and I began receiving allowances that ranked to a couple of thousand dollars in our teenage years,  at least they didn't hate me enough to deny me that "

I heard her voice break when she mentioned her parents and the way they treated her,   I didn't want to see her sad over those sadistic people, so I pulled her close and kissed her forehead while rubbing her thighs,  she smiled softly at me,

          "thanks Adrian"
I nodded then she smiled a bit livelier this time then continued,

   "then also coupled with the money I earned from my modeling jobs,   the endorsements, and my companies,   oh even my salary and continuous allowance from the company itself,
   That should be more than enough to make the purchase,
Isn't it ironic, I will be buying the company that pays me a salary and an allowance every month, "

She smiled more to herself at the thought before she turned to look at me and caught me still staring at her,

        " It takes a lot of trust to open up to someone the way you just did,    I promise i will be worth it every step of the way,  and I will make sure you don't regret trusting me babe"
True to my word, I was going to make sure she didn't regret letting me in,

      "I'm glad I got you then, besides we want to be a part of each other's lives, what  better way is there to start"
She asked staring seriously at me except I had better ideas,

I started now tugging away the blanket she covered her self with,

      "if you aren't too sore, I might know a way or two to show you "
I finished now bending over and slowly twirling her nipple with my tongue earning a moan from her which I took as my go ahead to show her better ways.


Couple of hours later in bed making unending love to each other we got out of bed and had a warm bath together though not before going at each other for a while in there,

We were finally leaving the hotel and going back home and back to our normal lives,  I could see the sadness in her eyes, and the uncertainty that laid there,

I understood her worries and truth is I also shared her thoughts,  we had no idea how it'll be when we go back out there,

  but I knew one thing for sure, I was going to make sure that we don't go back to the way it was between us,  and I planned on fighting for us no matter what happens.

       "Look at me babe"
I Inched over and took her hands in mine so I could get through to her,

       "I'm not gonna promise you rainbows and unicorns, that'll be plain stupid, but I can promise you that I'll be there at every phase we go through,  and I promise you that nothing will ever come in between us"
I finished squeezing her hands as soft as I could,
She looked up at me and I noticed that she had tears gathering in her eyes,

        "I'm scared that when we go back everything will go back to the way it was,
Adrian I don't want to be left again, I won't be able to take it"
She concluded crying into my shoulder as I pulled her into my laps, rubbing her back slowly.

  "I swear to you my Moon,  I'll make sure nothing goes back to the way it was,  we are going to outgrow our problems together, and we'll become everything we want to be"

I whispered and felt  her nod on my shoulder, I held her for a while before she stopped sniffling then slowly pulling away,    

I used my thumb in wiping the undried tears then pulled her in for a kiss, after which she slid off my laps and sat back down with a blush that seemed to have remained permanent on her face,

I laughed at the way she shyly looked out the window, which earned me a smack in the arm,

She smiled at me then looked out the window seemingly disappearing into that vast mind of hers while I stepped on the gas and drove towards our home,

She had made me so happy that I felt freaking invisible,   I felt like a child receiving his candy,   and I'll give everything to keep us happy from this point on.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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