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        When I got to the office in the morning I had decided to do as much work as possible cause I was planning a getaway with Alex, she didn't know but I figured that surprising her was a good way to start,

I had been focused so long that I didn't notice Arabella waltz in like she owned the place,

I'd asked her what brought her back after my stern warning to back off,

She simply smirked and started making her way to me in what I assumed to be a seductive manner,
I watched her till she came and stood before me and unknown to me Alex was on her way here,   before I could say jack Arabella had crashed her lips on mine,   and unfortunately It  was the very minute that Alex swinged the door open,

I was quick to push Bella away but the damage had already been done,   how was I supposed to explain that to her,

I watched her control her breathing before she slowly stepped back and walked away,

I rushed into the hallway and to the elevator and quickly stopped it in hopes that she let me explain ,  but that couldn't fix it,

She was hurting and it was because of my stupidity,  I should have stopped Arabella from coming to my office, 
Too many I should haves but none could fix this.

Even when I asked her to let me explain she said she understood and that made me feel stupid all the more cause it reminded me of the time she said she felt guilty for coming between Arabella and I,

She left and I knew it was best I let her go,  hence I went back to my office to deal with that woman who clearly had nothing doing with her time,

I asked her to leave and she should equally expect a restraining order from the court,  she had cried about it but I honestly didn't care,   I couldn't lose Alex for Bella,  that was really far fetched.

Some time later I called my lawyer asking him to serve her the restraining order as soon as possible and thankfully he said it would be done tomorrow,

With that out of the way I decided to work a little before heading back to go prepare for that stupid event I would gladly ditch and just spend the evening apologising to Alex.

Some time later I realized there was no need wasting my time here anymore, I needed to be home so I could at least fix this, 

I quickly packed up my stuff and left the office and drove straight home,

Upon my arrival I ran up to our floor and in a rush opened her door,  unfortunately she was asleep and obviously exhausted,   even in her sleep she had a deep frown and I felt all the more bad,

I covered her then made my way to the gym,  I still had over two hours to burn anyway so I went on to exercise and let some pent up frustration go,

Couple of hours later, I was dressed and waiting for my wife at the bottom of the stairs,

I felt so fucking nervous and believe me I never feel nervous,
I kept pacing till I heard the clink of shoe heels, that made me focus and indeed there she was,   elegantly stepping down as though she was the only woman in the world, and truly she was,  

This Is My Universe,
No one else's, and even if I have no idea how I'm going to make her love me back I'm not going to let her go either,

With that decision I took her hand and led her to the car not without complimenting her about how stunning she looked, my heart actually skipped when she smiled so softly before muttering thanks.

Once we'd driven for a while I asked if I could take her out tomorrow and blessed be the Lord she actually agreed,   I knew the perfect place to fix all of this and make this relationship work.

Finally we arrived the event,   stood at the red carpet for those long ass pictorials,  then got into the building,   I led Alex to where our seats were and pulled out her chair which she gracefully took a sit in before offering me a grateful smile,

Sadly when I turned there sat Arabella looking smug and proud,   well by tomorrow I will no longer have to worry about her anymore,   I decided to pay all my attention on Alex who seemed to be bored already.

I couldn't wait to leave this place but I knew I had to wait for my wife, who had now  picked  up her third glass of champagne,   I asked her to stop doing that and thankfully she listened,

Just when I thought i couldn't take it anymore I looked up and  saw the King's walking excitedly to the stage,  never have I hated a couple the way I do this two,   i guess I just had to endure and tolerate them cause unfortunately Alex was still their daughter and I couldn't change that.

Right beside me I felt Alex grab my hand as though for support, I looked at her and then slowly focused on the couple to hear what they had said to get such a reaction out of her,   and indeed it was unimaginable,

I couldn't bring myself to understand why anyone would make such a decision,   For crying out loud she had gotten married against her will just for this same place,

I couldn't fathom their choice but honestly I didn't care,  as long as Alex didn't change her mind I was good,

I felt Alex's hand on me tighten and that's when I turned to face her paled looking self,  her face had drained of all color and that was saying a lot,

I took my hand and rubbed hers together but she seemed lost in her own world,

I saw Jace beside her telling her something about not having an episode before this people,   and true to his word we were gaining attention but I didn't care about them,   I cared about this woman and how she was feeling now,

I watched her take a glass of whiskey I had ordered and dawned it before getting up on wobbly legs and started walking away, 

I didn't care where she was going but Jace and I followed right behind her,   I had left her long enough for one life time, I was done leaving her alone now.

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