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Once the car arrived at the office building, I turned to Jace who instantly shook his head negatively showing he wasn't going up there with me, I smiled at him showing him I understood, he had always hated my family especially because of the way they'd always treated me,

I turned then picked my phone and started making my way into the building where my doom awaited,    on my way to the elevator I could hear the employees gushing about how long it had been and how beautiful I looked,  I smiled and waved at them till I got to the elevator where I pressed the top floor button.

Ten minutes later I was finally at the top floor and started making my way to his office,
I saw his P. A who immediately got up and greeted,   I waved at her then smiled lightly so she could relax,    I really hated the uneasiness people always seemed to possess when they were in the presence of people who seemed higher than them, I felt it was always too much, I don't know about others but those were my thoughts all the time.

Finally I got to his door and knocked slightly, he hated people knocking loudly cause it gave him the impression that something has got to have happened.

I stood there for a bit before I heard his cold voice asking me to come in,    I twisted the  knob pushing the door open enough to make way for myself,   I got into the office then closed the door back quietly before turning back around to face him.

       "Look what the Cat dragged in"

I turned to the corner and realized that there were five people in the room, I said hello to everyone then went to kiss my mother whose comment I was choosing to ignore, she waved me aside and I took that as my queue not to go any closer,   I looked up at my father then gave him a curt nod  before taking my sit beside Meghan, my supposed sister.

Meghan was just like my parents, arrogant, stiff but spoilt,  too elegant for her own good,   always mingled with the wrong crowd, had a weird accent in the name of imitating the British and was always trying to impress those she thought had something to offer,    for me that was plain stupid, if you want something work for it and it will definitely be yours,   instead of either forcing it out of its owners or sucking up to them.

I didn't bother looking at her cause I knew she'll be spotting her stupid smirk while twirling her hair the way she always did when she was about to have her way with something.

I looked up at the male whose eyes held absolute contempt and disgust, it was none other than The Adrian Smith, I was slightly taken aback considering he and I had no personal feuds before today,

You'd be surprised by the funny fact  that I had walked the runway with Adrian Smith at the beginning of my career,

Shortly after he retired from modeling and began facing his business mainly,  we'd never spoken to each other before considering the fact that I am a really shy and introvert person, I'd been through enough in my life to keep me quiet for the rest of my life hence I never made efforts to talk a lot even to Jace, but that didn't change my feelings for him of over three years now,  seeing him up close and even been in the same room was an honor for me,    but considering the way he was glaring at me I could guess the feeling wasn't exactly mutual.

     "If you are done fixing yourself up princess moon you should let us know so we can begin this meeting"

      I looked at my dad In shock,  how was I supposed to know I was the one holding the meeting back, besides I gave him a nod before, if that wasn't an indication to go ahead then I don't know what is.

      " sorry dad, please go ahead"
I replied then turned to him giving him my full attention.

      "Now that you have completed your hand over to the current miss universe, what are your plans?
He asked looking me in the eyes as though he was daring me to say something stupid.

     My father never cared about what I did with my life at any point, unless it benefitted him, every other time he just let me do as I pleased cause he believed I'll only disappoint everyone around me, so if he was so updated about my actions lately then two things were going on here, 
(a) he was trying to act like a loving father before the Smith Patriarch or
(b) He had a new responsibility for me. And it involved the Smiths,
Either one it was, he was daring me to disappoint him,   I didn't need him having more reasons to hate me so I said the safest thing that came to mind.

      "Been miss universe was always the end point for me, so now that I'm done with that, I've toured the world and basically did everything in my list,  I think I should retire and focus on my business sir"
I finished then looked at my mom who kept shaking her head as though she was disappointed.

       "how old are you again?"
Mr Smith asked while looking at me in awe.

    "I'm 24 by November 18 sir "
I replied beaming in pride.

      "I'm very impressed, very few young people these days are able to decide a career choice at 24, but in your case you have not only made a career choice but you have lived it and now retiring, I'm proud of you my child"
He stood up and opened his arms towards me, of which I rose to my feet and welcomed his hug,

no one had ever acknowledged my effort the way he just did,    yes I had Jace but this was a whole new level of sentimental for me, hence I planned on retaining this memory forever.

After a short while we pulled away, I thanked him and went back to my sit ignoring the glares I was getting.

       "Alright, now that that's out of the way, it's time you hear exactly why I called you back home"
My dad said looking at me then at Adrian, I didn't understand a word he said, cause honestly whatever he had to say didn't need to involve all this people,

We and the Smith had only been in a partnership in the Oil segment of the King's group but that didn't mean we were close,

I decided to pay attention to him regardless so I nodded, urging him to go ahead and say what he had to say.

A decision I will forever regret because what came out of his mouth next made me wish I'd remained on tour, it made me wish I never even considered coming home.

        "You Are Getting Married In Two Weeks"

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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