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The sun was peaking through the window and I could hear the birds chirping outside which caused me to peel my eyes open, and reached out to find my phone,

Once I did I checked the time and realized that it was morning already, how long did I sleep anyways.

I quickly got out  and fixed my bed before going to get ready for the day,  considering how long I'd been away I knew I had a lot of work to do,

After a much needed bath and
Dressing in a sweat pant and hoody, I was ready to work from home,    I pulled my hair in a messy bun and started making my way towards the kitchen,

On my way I looked at the doors and got curious which one belonged to Adrian,  but then I realized it was best I went on my way,

Yeah he'd been acting quite strange and honestly I had been hoping that this was a step in a permanent direction but then this was Adrian, 

I didn't want to get my hopes up and then have it crashing down on me,  no I wasn't happy with the kind of relationship we had but it was better that way,  cause at least I knew how he felt about me which was clearly dislike,

Him been nice to me was beginning to confuse me and I no longer knew how to act around him,    so I guess I just had to keep an open mind and pray that maybe it won't ruin me in the end.

I was about to round the corner but ended bumping on a hard chest,  I looked up to find him staring down at me but it wasn't in his normal annoyed and condescending manner,   there was something else but he was quick to look away then stepped back before he spoke,

       "I was about to come get you, you should eat then I need to introduce you to the helps"
He concluded taking my hand and leading me to the dinning room where he pulled a chair out for me,  once I sat he opened the lid of the plate then repeated what he did yesterday,

I opened my mouth again to accept the food    while I zoned out on him a little,  this was the second time Adrian was feeding me food,   first he kissed me and even though he didn't push me away immediately I knew he probably didn't mean it or this was me over thinking things, 
Then he carried me to bed and I'm betting my bottom dollar that he changed me out of my clothes,    truth is I could choose to ask him if he changed me into my sleep wear but I was afraid that he might say something nasty to me, and besides I loved the idea in my head,

I never want this to end,   this Adrian made me feel like I was worth it even if there was a part of me reminding me that this wasnt real and It  wouldn't last,

         "Alex? Do you always disappear in your mind when you eat?"

Wait was he saying something I didn't catch before now? But I wasn't even that far out,

       "You are doing it again"
He stated spotting an amused smile,

    I watched him closely cause this had to be the first genuine smile I was getting from him and it really did suit him,

     "Wow,  you should smile more often, it suits you "
I blurted  out my thoughts but was quick to slam my hands on my mouth so I don't spill another stupidity,

        "For someone regarded as a big shot in the industry you sure do act pretty childlike"
OH my gosh was he calling me a child?

        "nooo,  I'm a grown ass woman,  I'm not a child"
And now I completed my funeral by whining like a child indeed which actually earned me a tole coiling laugh from Adrian,   his laugh was the sound I had always craved for, and it made him look so beautiful, he was beyond handsome if truth be told and I acknowledged that fact by the way he looked right now,

      "You are so beautiful"
he stopped laughing and stared at me still smiling a little,   oh my gosh please tell me I didn't say that out loud,   I covered my face with my palms and tried to run away because of how embarrassed I felt,  that didn't work though cause he pulled me by the waist and settled me back down before slowly pulling my hands away from my  face,

       "You are very beautiful too Moon"
He said looking me straight in the eye, but then only one thing caught my attention,

he finally called me Moon,

For so long no one ever made my name sound the way it just did,  Adrian what are you doing?

       "Stop thinking,  you don't need wrinkle marks yet"
He said pulling me out of my thoughts,   I was about to deny it but was cut off by someone else,   a voice I had wished to hear for the passed five years,

         "Finally someone else has said it, You shouldn't over think everything else you'll get Wrinkle marks  Moon"
I snapped my neck towards the direction of the voice and indeed there she stood, looking slightly older than the last time I saw her,

I leaped out of my sit and jumped on her unconsciously send us both on the floor,  thankfully there was a really fluffy carpet there, 

In that moment, holding her in my arms reminded me of all the times she saved me from falling so deep that I couldn't be saved,

I had met Nanny Esther when I relocated to my grandma's home, she had been so good to me that I remember once telling her that I wished she was my mommy,  she had smiled and said that time would heal all my scars, 

Although she believed that it was going to get better It never did,  but somehow it was her faith that led me through many turmoil in the past,   

She, Jace and grandma Louis led me through,   sometimes she would catch me crying about the things I never got especially my parents love,   she never scolded me instead she always said,

     "Be thankful for the things you have baby, cause eventually you will wish you still had them but they won't be there"

That never made sense to me till I lost grandma Louis,   it was then that I realized how much I'd lost in my life while I was busy counting the ones I didn't have

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Adrian who cleared his throat,  staring down at me before stretching his hand,  I didn't even notice that we were no longer hugging but just her   rocking me back and forth,
I smiled and took his hand then he pulled me up, I turned and did same to nanny Esther who was still smiling softly at me,
I was about asking her where she had been but was cut off by Adrian who seemed genuinely Curious,

        "How do you too know each other?"

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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