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I guess I had slept off after take off and slept forever because I had woken up feeling so sore and broken,  

I looked around and realized I was in a strange room,  definitely not either of my homes, but this was a really beautiful place,  the interior was very homely and had a modern design that wasn't too much,   my best guess is that Adrian probably brought me to his house

I decided to drag myself out of the bed and get useful, at least if I was in his home I needed to help out around here,  I definitely had no plans of going to work feeling like death,

Once I'd freshened up and felt a bit lively I got out of the room and started making my way to the hallway right outside my room,  hopefully that led to the kitchen cause I could use some food right now

In the end I was led right through the hallway to a flight of stairs that led to an open plan living room,   I looked around a little and found the kitchen to be on the far left of the space with its own door,  and a family size dinning table,

Now wasn't the time to tour the house so I made my way to the kitchen and looked through the fridge to find anything,  I hoped he wouldn't get mad that I went through his stuff  considering he and I weren't really married couple material right now.

Soon I found multiple storage plates in the deeper side of the fridge, I almost squealed like a child but refrained from doing so,      hence I tried to pull something out but was startled into reality by someone's squeal,   

I immediately turned around to make sure that I wasn't about to be killed by some banshee,

         "oh my gosh, it's really you ma'am,  you know when they said the boss was getting married to you I thought it was a joke, then I started wondering if it might be true considering I hated that ma'am Bella, but you are here,   standing right before me, oh my gosh I need to take a picture to show my friends that I'll be working for The miss Moon,  wait I need to dress properly, makeup some, and then probably get so-"

       "Relax miss, take a deep breath and calm down please"

I had to cut her rambling short cause excess attention like that usually overwhelmed me and I didn't want to be having an episode in her presence,   it was for occasions like that that led me into having a security team cause sometimes my fans were  rather extensively excited,    it had actually happened after a show once and I ended up having a panic attack, thankfully Jace was there as always.

      "oh I'm sorry ma'am ,   it's just that I'm so excited and I tend to ramble a lot when I get that way"

     "It's okay -? "

    "Sarah Donald's at your service ma'am"
She beamed causing me to smile as well,   We were going to get along fine and for that I was thankful,  I didn't know many girls in my  line of work and business that actually liked me so I never bothered making friends.

      "Alright Sarah,  Call me Moon, but if It  makes you uncomfortable you can add a miss to the Moon, ma'am makes me feel really old"

And It  was the truth, I felt like my mom's age or something.

      "I'm definitely going with the Miss,  I don't want to get on the boss's bad side yet"
She scrunched up her nose in a really cute way causing me to laugh a little before looking away and back to my earlier mission of finding me something to eat, except Sarah was already saving my life

       "Alright I'm sure you are famished and your husband my boss already ordered that we make you something delicious,  so come along Miss, your meal is already served and awaiting to be digested by your beautiful self"
She said pulling me towards the dining table where truly there were served different looking meals,

I squealed and rushed to the table were I quickly took a sit,   I was about to happily dig in when  Adrian came and pulled the fork from my hand,

I looked up at him and the air was knocked out of me,   there he stood looking so perfect and flawless,  dressed in a training sweat pants and polo,
He looked mouth watering,

Although this seemed like a bad moment to be gawking at him so I quickly cleared my throat before I spoke,

      "Good morning Adrian"
He simply nodded and took a sit right beside me and then served some food in a plate and placed It  before him,

        Then he drew my chair close to him before turning back to the food,  I was still confused as to what he was doing so I just sat quiet and watched as he elegantly scooped some food with the spoon then turned to me,

He more or less ordered,    I have no idea what was going on here but whatever it was I didn't care,   if he was going to feed me then I planned on enjoying this moment cause I know it might never come again,  

besides who is to say he won't be possessed enough to take it back and tell me how he regrets even being close to me,   
Hence I opened my mouth and accepted his meal.

After a satisfied sigh had escaped me I shook my head telling him that I had eaten enough,  he stared at me for a moment then nodded,  

I thanked him for the meal and excused myself quickly,  

It was only a matter of time before he realizes that he just fed me and I honestly had no plans of sticking around to see the regret in his eyes,

Once I got back to my room I realized how  dizzy I felt and how I struggled to keep my eyes open,

So I quickly jumped back into bed and covered myself with a duvet,  and decided to get some sleep though not before I texted Jace to bring my work over here so I can get started on them.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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