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This chapter contains matured content,  There will be Sexual activities and you know what else,    skip ahead to the next chapter if this isn't your kind of scene and if you are below the age of 18,    thanks for reading to this point,  I love you 💋

          Slowly he had consumed every part of me with the passion he was emitting,  occupying my every being with his warmth and spreading kisses across my skin like he was marking every fiber of my being, he nipped and sucked and continued to lick every surface of my skin as though he was worshipping my  skin and also embedding every detail to his memory,

Gone were my insecurities and uncertainties, and In were new memories been made and for the life of me nothing could ever compare to what was been given by the man I'd loved for the most part of my life.

He pulled away still gazing intently at me as though in a dilemma,  then he spoke his thought,
        "I could stop if you want - "
His Voice thick  with lust,
      "But I can't cause I'm too selfish to"

My heart swelled at his words maintaining eye contact with him and thought about whether or not I wanted him to, but that was a joke because I had made my choice the moment I woke up  to him this morning,   

As though he sensed my resolution he leaned forward and pulled me in a thong wetting kiss,  causing me to moan into his mouth and equally earning a groan from him,

He lifted me off the edge of the bed and pressed me on the wall and continued his hungry assault on my lips  with his tongue besting mine in the battle for dominance,

Then he pulled away and started tracing his lips down my jaw through to my neck where he found my sweet spot and started sucking on it causing me to moan loudly gripping his hair tightly,   he groaned then began grinding his buldge into my wet fold causing another moan to escape me,

He slowly carried me his lips not detaching from my neck then suddenly he threw me on the bed earning a giggle from me,

He stood at the bed post staring down at me inspecting every inch of me with eyes laced with utter lust while he committed every inch of me to heart,

His intense gaze raking through my body made me clench my thigh cause I could feel my wetness considering how turned on and frustrated I had become,   I wasn't going to interrupt his moment but I also wanted him so badly right now.

As if sensing my need for him he moved slowly till he was hovering over me with his hands on either side of my face,
He leaned forward and kissed me shortly before he parted my legs and settled between them like he had found his new home,  confirming my thoughts he said it in a whisper,
     "My New Home," he grinned cheekily before he went further to remove his polo I was wearing, bent over and started trailing wet kisses down my body till he stopped at my pussy line where he stopped and ripped my thong off then groaned in approval at the sight of my naked  pussy,

I tried to shut my legs but he glared at me,  before he grabbed my ass and lifted me in a position where my pussy was facing his face directly,
And before I could say jack he was latching on my pussy like his next meal, he devoured me and sucked on my clit causing me to grip his hair tightly and pushing his head deeper so I could get more pressure in there,  
He tightened his grip on me then thrusted his tongue into my pussy hole earning an earth shattering moan from me, 

He continued to suck and lick and nip till I started feeling the pressure building in my stomach,  he didn't stop till I came undone right into his mouth which he greedily swallowed all I had offered,

Once he was done with that he hastily removed his pajamas pants and hovered over me,    he looked into my eyes as if asking for permission again,
I nodded quickly and he started kissing me again then slowly started trailing wet kisses down my neck making me moan and grinded my self into his hard dick that was pressed on my thighs,   which caused him to groan on my neck,

He pulled away and leaned up a little before he started lining his big cock on my pussy, slowly but surely he made his way into my tight hole causing me to moan loudly and tightened my hold on his shoulders,  he groaned and started muttering about how tight I was,

He slowly slid out of me before thrusting into me once again,
He did it a couple of times before he began thrusting into me at beast speed,   while I tried my best to match his pace as fast as I could,

Couple of long hours of exhausting love making later,
We were both far spent cause he had taken me in more positions than I thought possible,  he had asked me to ride him but I had declined and explained that this was actually my first time doing the deed,
I had lost my virginity to two strangers and ever since then I made sure to avoid men as much as possible,

Adrian had frozen when I mentioned It  to him,  then he looked me in the eyes and said the most heart warming thing ever,
        "In my eyes and in my heart  I am your first and your last,  and I will love you tonight till we are far spent"

True to his word here we were gasping for breath and sweating like we had participated in a marathon,

I laughed at the thought and shook my head at my own thoughts,  then I felt him pull me closer to him and wrapped his arms around him in a secure manner,
      "I know we skipped a lot of stages before we got to this point,  hell! There was nothing normal about either of the stages of this relationship but somehow here we are,
It's surreal to me and I know it is to you too but I promise you today that it's you and I to the end, I will spend everyday showing how. Much I love you,
You are the Moon that lights up my Universe "

I tightened my grip on him in hopes that if this was a dream it wouldn't end,  I didn't want it to,  so with tears running down my face I snuggled further into his chest,

      " I'ts not a dream Moon, this is us now, and the only tears you are gonna cry now are tears of joy that I can promise you "
     Finally  grandma Louis,  someone came,   and true to your word I have become the moon that lit his universe,

When I wake up tomorrow,  I hope nothing changes, and I hope it's this way till the end of time.

With those thoughts still grazing my mind, I surrendered to the darkness that awaited me with open arms.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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