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Waking up this morning was a bit of a hassle  cause I was juggling a bad headache and jet lag,  best believe I never wanted to have such an experience ever again, this was part of the reason I was deciding to settle at a place.

By the time I'd gotten dressed for the day it was already 8am, and  I was definitely starved, thankfully judging by the aroma that filled the house I'm guessing Jace was already up and about,  never met a guy who cooked the way Jace could.

I started making my way  downstairs only to find A shirtless Jace making out with one of his flings,    I'll never understand how he does it, we got back together last night and he Even seemed more exhausted than I was but somehow he still had time to bring a guy home, I'm not even going to imagine the things they indulged in.

Once I stepped into the kitchen I placed my bag on the island with a bang causing the pair to jump apart, I laughed at the way his partner Instantly turned red,  who knew guys had it in them to blush?
       "Really?, that's how it is now?"
Came Jace's reaction, causing me to laugh even harder.

        "good morning to you too Jace and? "
I asked turning to his partner expectantly"

       "shut up Moon,    anyways, meet Mason, my boyfriend,  and personal assistant, considering what we are getting into I'll be needing some help too, Mace meet Moon my sister and our boss"
He said gesturing between the both of us, Mason was a really good looking guy, actually panty dropping beautiful, and I was thankful that Jace was finally deciding to stick with one person.

         " the pleasure is mine ma'am "

        "Please call me Moon,  Ma'am makes me feel old"     

      "you are old moon"
Came Jace's voice

          "anyways, get dressed Jace, our first step is going to be Smith's office building, then the agency, and we can talk about everything that's been going on"

        "alright, I'll be back in a sec, Mace go get dressed"
He said pecking his lips, I made a gagging sound then bursted out into laughter, I watched them scurry away before I turned to enjoy my breakfast.

At exactly 9:30am I was at the Smith's office building, I had been able to narrate everything to Jace in the car,

once we got into the car, I closed the partition leaving Jace and I with the privacy we needed,     after I'd narrated everything to him he was beyond furious with my family,  but I was able to pacify him by telling him this was my chance at life,  he was quite upset but by the time we arrived here he seemed a bit better.

       "Alexandra"    he never calls me that unless it is a dire matter.

"you know you don't have to do this,  with the wealth you have in your possession you could just buy everything and save yourself the heart break"
He said holding my hands in he's.

     "I could Jace,  but what about Adrian? He never asked for any of this either,  what about My family? We both know if I purchased King's Group they will never want to work there especially with me at the helm of affairs,  secondly I don't want that kind of responsibility at such a young age,   we've got enough on our plates as it is"
He nodded in understanding before he spoke again,

       "I'm going to be right beside you every step of the way Babe,   but if it ever gets too  overwhelming for you I'm filing that divorce myself, to hell with everything else "

      "You have my permission Jace,  I'll tell you if it gets to it"

       "I love you Alexandra, and even if the world turns upside down always know that I'm gonna be there all the way"

    "I love you too Jason,  thanks a bunch, and I want you to know that I' will never forget everything you keep doing for me "

With that said I tapped the window notifying the driver we were ready to get down,

I started making my way into the building, waving at those who couldn't resist taking pictures, signed a couple of autographs and got quite a lot of hugs, after which I was directed by the man who had introduced himself as Adrian's personal assistant to the private elevator of my soon to be husband,

Some minutes later I was directed into his office where I saw him sitted in all his magnificence and elegance,  how could one man be that beautiful.?

Once I got in we both dismissed our assistance then he offered me a sit.

     "Do you want a press conference or should we just hold an engagement party? "
Straight to the point I see,  he couldn't even ask how I've been,  we were barely married yet  he was making it clear that he didn't want me,    I shook those thoughts away, now wasn't the time to dwell on that.

    " I already asked My assistant to announce a press conference for   Xandria's Group so as to announce the addition of the fashion house and the Modeling agency,   so if you're okay with it we could make the announcement at the same time"
He seemed to be deep in thought for a short while before he nodded his head positively.

      "Great,  text my assistant the date and time and I'll be there"
He said standing from his chair, wow

I'm sure even business partners were treated better than this.

I stood up as well then smiled softly at him before I turned to walk away from his presence,

    "Wait, take this"
I stopped in my track and turned around, in his arms sat a  beautiful velvet box,  I went closer then took the  box from him, I opened it and there was the most beautiful ring I had ever set my eyes on, if this were in different circumstances I would be screaming my heart out,   but that was the problem, this ring was coming from a man who had made it clear that he disliked me a whole lot,   

I looked up at him to say thanks for  giving me the best even if he would rather not,   problem was looking him in the eye wasn't the best feeling as of this moment, his gaze was so cold,  he was inadvertently telling me that he wasn't going to give me a chance to warm up to him, he was shutting me out even before I could make my way to him.

I still smiled regardless then said a quick thanks, before turning and leaving,

Once I got into the elevator I opened the box and took out the ring, then slid it into my hands, I smiled then bit my lips stopping the tears from rushing down.

       "Thank you Adrian, I know you would rather give this to someone you love, but you are unfortunately stuck with me"
I whispered in the elevator, even if I knew he couldn't hear me.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me


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