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Slowly but surely she had made her way to the open floor then bent over to remove her shoes before she went to the glass tray and took another Glass of drink,  she was about to drink it when her family ran into the room and closed the door behind them,

Once her mother had finished ranting about their family name and her father ranting about  Respect I watched Alex gulp down the liquid and consciously threw the cup towards her mother who was quick to dodge the weapon,

I was shocked because this was a whole new Alex, this was a woman who had lost whatever patience she had left,

For so long I wondered why she was estranged to her family,   at first I had believed it to be because she was the black sheep of the family,

But even then I didn't see how that was possible, 

Hearing her share what she had been through and how she had waited for them to stop making her invisible finally put a lot of things in perspective,

She always kept away cause these people never made an attempt to reach out to her,

No one knew exactly where she was during her childhood and teenage years because they did well to hide her from the world,

No  one knows anything because they made it look like she wasn't even in the radar,

Actually now that I thought about it I think I finally understood her reasons for demanding the things she did before she agreed to marry me,

She knew that a time would come when they would do something like this to her hence her reasons for taking advantage of that opportunity,

How could anyone even be cruel enough to take her against her will? ,
I can't even imagine a thrashing Alex with tears running down her face,

   I truly wished I could get hold of whoever did that to her,  I would definitely damage them in a manner they didn't think possible.

Now I felt truly guilty and ashamed,  for so long I judged her and pushed her away,  but never for once tried to understand what she was going through,   if I had paid more attention I would have known she was Suffering, I would have known she had a breathing disorder,  how did i not notice the reasons for Jace's  questions while we were away, 

What if something like that happened while I was busy working and wasn't there to help her.?

What would I have done without her?

Looking up at her I watched as whatever little light she once had in her eyes diminished, now revealing a cold and exhausted woman who was no longer particularly thrilled about life anymore,

I watched her run out of the room leaving the cruel woman who was supposed to be her mother,  I could see her trying so hard to control the tears but that wasn't working either,

I immediately ran after her because a heart broken woman and a steering wheel weren't a good combination at any point in time, but unfortunately she was already behind the wheel speeding away,

        "Please Adrian go after her,  she doesn't need her best friend, she needs her husband,     I'll track the car and send you her destination just move please"
I didn't need to be told twice I quickly rushed into my car and drove towards the direction she was headed, hopefully nothing happened to her,   I couldn't loose her yet,  I had no idea what I'll do if anything happened to her.

        Almost an hour later of driving around the city, I finally got her location and sadly enough it was on the other side of the city,   I didn't care how far it was I needed to reach her before something happens to her.

Finally I had arrived at a club that seemed quite posh considering the location it was situated in.

I quickly took the hat I had at the back seat and put it on cause I knew Alex and I were going to be the topic of every tabloid but I didn't need it to escalate any further than necessary.

I was finally roaming the dance floor in search of her till I heard a whoop on the strip pole,  there she was twirling majestically even in her wasted state,  

I looked around and found the onlookers ogling my wife like she was their next meal,   that thought didn't sit right with me so I went up there and lifted her on my shoulder disregarding her struggles and wiggling up there,

Once I got outside the hall and showed the security my ID  I was allowed to leave with her,

So I proceeded and carried her to the spot I cleared my car before putting her down on her feet,

As soon as she gained her balance she bent  over and started throwing up,  I stood there rubbing her back till she stopped and stood back up,   I quickly rushed into the car and brought her a can of water to rinse her mouth,

Once she took the water and rinsed out she looked up at me and started laughing hysterically,

       "You look so much like My Adrian,  sadly he isn't this patient"
She said pinching my  cheeks,

       "you know? I wish he came for me instead but it's okay I guess he will never be there for me"   she continued then went further to sit on the floor,

     "How do you know he will never be there"
I asked cause I knew she will never talk to me if she were in a  sober state,

   She let out a humorless laugh before she answered

"I've loved Adrian for so long that I finally understood that he will never love me back,  I stood right there but he never saw me "

       "You love him?"
I asked quite surprised by this information,  she always seemed so calculated whenever she was around me, how did I miss any signs she might have shown,

      "I remember the first time I saw him on that runway, he looked so elegant and flawless,  I watched every show he was a part of,   I realized I needed to be closer to him somehow so I signed up to be a model,

Yeah it was partly so that my parents could see me but it was also partly so I could see him and probably be friends,

Sadly he retired after a couple of shows and dived into business full-time,    but I never gave up so when I got the chance to be his wife, I took it cause I was hoping that I could get him to love me too,    well I guess I failed at that too"
She concluded but was really struggling to keep her eyes open, 

        "Sleep Alex,  you will be fine I promise"
I said kissing her forehead and lifting her off the ground and into the car.

In the future the only tears she'll ever cry are tears of joy, I swear to you Alexandra.

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