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I guess I'd slept off cause I felt someone tapping and calling out to me,

I begrudgingly opened my eyes only to find Sarah beaming excitedly at me, I smiled back at her and sat up so I could hear her reasons for waking me up,

        "The makeup and  dress crew are here and Mr Adrian sent me to come wake you"
She explained still beaming from ear to ear.

      "oh, how long have I been asleep?"
I asked cause I needed to know how long I'd been out.

      "you've been asleep for six hours miss, and your event starts in one hour thirty minutes, I can categorically tell you that you will be fashionably late"
        "Thanks Sarah,  you can usher them in and I'm glad the fees for college are paying off"

With that said I jumped out of bed and went to pamper my skin for at least ten minutes,

After which I wore my robe and got out to meet Jace ordering everyone to get to work,

I smiled at his anxious state and sat down at the vanity that'd been set at the far end of my room,  then motioned for them to start.


One hour later I was staring at a different woman in the mirror,
I looked really perfect,  a broken kind of perfection,

         "Alright alright Thank  you everyone,  you can park up and get moving,    Moon? Let's go wow that fine piece of meet you call a husband shall we?"

    I smiled at his enthusiasm and linked my hands to his elbow then he began to lead me down,

Once we made it down Adrian who had been staring at me from the top of the stair stepped forward and linked our hands again,

       " You look flawless Moon,"

I smiled softly at him then muttered a thank you while
He led me to the car then turned around and got into the driver's seat,    I guess he was really driving today.

Once he stepped foot on the gas I decided to just focus on the trees and shops or whatever else was outside to look at,  that was until I heard his voice, the voice that continued to lure me further in, even if I have absolutely no idea how far it would lure me.

     "Would you go out with me tomorrow,  I was hoping we could talk"
He asked sounding quite hopeful,

      "Alright just tell me when and where" I answered quite curtly,

    "thanks,  just dress comfortable and I'll pick you up by six"
He replied but this time I couldn't bring myself to look at him cause it kinda hurt a lot

A  short drive  and a bunch of pictures later I was sitting on the table that had my name on a tag, with Adrian sitting next to me and Arabella somehow coincidentally sitting right beside him,

As soon as I noticed the sitting arrangement I made a decision to ignore them,   yes I love Adrian with all my heart but I wasn't about to give them the satisfaction of hurting me any further than they had done,

I continued looking around and admiring the people in attendance and also looking out for when my family would arrive


    Some torturous hours later I had said hello to more people than I might remember tomorrow,   some of them came to talk shop but I had referred them to Jace so they could book a meeting,  others came to offer their congratulations on my marriage to Adrian,  I still thanked them regardless,
But the most surprising part was that Adrian hadn't left my side even for a second,   we didn't talk much so I got bored and started drinking the champagne that were littered like the next meal till he asked me to stop,  

I decided to listen because I didn't want to turn up drunk tomorrow,  I had a job to do and the finishing touches to complete for the upcoming event.

Normally the event should have been over but my father had said they had a special announcement to make, and that they would close the event with that.

As soon as he said it I had asked Jace if I missed anything but he simply shrugged and said Nothing,

Honestly that announcement was the only thing still keeping me held up in this gathering for stingy rich people who only spent wherever they were recognized,

As I was about to make a quick bathroom break to touch up my face, I saw my parents walking to the stage together,
Holding hands and grinning from ear to ear,  I on the other hand had nerves twisting in my stomach cause I had a feeling I wasn't going to like whatever they were about to say,

      "Good morning ladies and gentlemen and thank you for sticking around to hear our wonderful news"
My mother began then stepped aside for my father to continue,

      "Well we are happy to announce our early retirement and the handover of King's Group to our Sole heiress,  Meghan Ciara Kings., 

we hope you show her as much support and respect as you showed us during our time of service "

      Wait was I hearing wrong or was I in the wrong place?

They were making Meghan sole Heiress and CEO to a company I got married for?

How cruel could they possibly get to do something like this to me?    What did I ev-

       " please Moon breath,  you can't have an episode here and you know it,  please baby,  don't let them see you like this"

I closed my eyes and opened them back up only to realize that half of the room were now focused on me,  

I got up on shaky feet and picked the glass of wine before me and gulped it down, and thankfully whatever that was. was strong enough,

I then pulled away and started making my way to lord knows where on shaky feet,   I didn't want to break down at least not here,

  I don't know how far I got before I bent down and removed my heels so I could feel comfortable at the least,

Then I went towards the tray full of  wine glasses and took one,   I was about to down it when I heard my mothers voice behind me,

       "Moon Alexandra Kings you will put that glass down and get your embarrassing ass home,    and just this once please stop disgracing our family name"

With that I burst into humorless laughter,

        "Family name?"
I asked hoping that I had heard wrong,

      "you will not disrespect your mother like that, all we have done is offer you the best things of life and tried to be there for you but you always threw it back in our faces, so you better stop with the drama and get your shit together"
At this point my anger had blown over the roof and I couldn't hold back anymore.

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