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As soon as I got to the office I caught sight of the paparazzi that flooded my building,   I guess this was going to be my life for a very long time,

I called Jace asking him to send either of the employees to bring me my  bag, my laptop and the documents I left untended,

Few minutes later Mace brought everything to the garage, he stared at me for a moment then he opened my door and extended his hand to me,    I didn't know what he was doing but I played along,   once I was on my feet  he did something I didn't think he had the balls to do,

       He pulled me in a hug.

I didn't realize how much I needed one until he actually did it,   I was thankful for it so I held him closer and inhaled his scent,    it was obvious he and Jace had something good, so I guess he had also become family.

Shortly after he pulled away and wiped the stray tear that had escaped before he proceeded to whisper,

        "All Will Be Well Moon, I promise"

I couldn't say anything to that so I nodded,  he smiled softly then turned away,   I closed the car door and drove out of the garage and headed towards my condo unit in the city.

Couple of hours later I had finished all the work I had piled on my desk,   I called Jace asking him to work with Greg and the event planner for the wedding, I couldn't bring myself to walk in the street especially with the news making waves currently,   if I was to go out right now I had no idea what I'll experience out there,

Besides there wasn't much to do for the preparation of the wedding ,  but I guess they still needed to arrange the Smith's Estate uptown, I didn't see the need since it was just going to be roughly ten people there. But then I guess that was a Rich people thing.

I took the liberty to choose a wedding dress,   it wasn't much,
Just white enough to walk down the aisle,     I love Adrian but now that I know he might never feel the same I guess it's best I don't exert  excess effort into this,

I went further to order my shoes and a bouquet,
the bouquet were actually really really fake because I am allergic to flowers of all kinds.

Once I was sure that my dress and stuff were accounted for,
I got dressed then got in my car,  I needed to talk to someone  and I knew exactly who.

An hour later i arrived at grandma Loui's tomb,   I cleared the dust that had settled in, then placed the fake flowers that I had brought,   before I sat beside her and began narrating what I'd being through in her absence,

       "Hey grandma,
I know you always asked me to never cry over spilt milk,  honestly so much has spilt that I had no choice but cry about it, I really want to be mad at you for even putting me in that situation but I just can't,  no matter how much I try,

You always promised that you'd make it better for me,  I knew you would but this wasn't the way to go about it,  

what if in the end he couldn't bring himself to love me,  

Or if he went back to the woman he had loved all along,  

What if he got his 30% and decide to let me go grandma,    

I always thought people were the problem hence the reason why they never tried to love me back,   but now I feel like I might be the problem ma, what if I'm the one doing it wrong?, what if it's my fault that they can't like me?,   Or I've been - "

       "Don't ever let anyone tell you that it's your fault that they can't seem to love you Alexandra,"
I was startled by Jace's voice, I didn't know he was here,

     " You are Strong,  you are beautiful,   you are amazing,   you are talented,    you are the best in what you do, you are Loyal as fuck, you are perfect and     if it makes it easier you have just been named the richest model alive,   and if you weren't my sister you would have turned a gay man straight,  that's how unique you are Moon, "

At that I clutched his shirt tighter, crying my heart out,
       " I'm sorry for everything you've been through Alex,
I'm sorry that you always got the rough end,
I'm sorry that you were born in a shitty world that has no idea what an amazing person you are, 
  I am truly sorry for all of it,

But don't ever let anyone make you feel like you ain't worth anything, I love you to the moon and back so always remember that it's irrelevant whether or not the world loves you "

He concluded holding me tighter to himself,  then he lifted me from off the floor and began making his way to his car,   once he tucked me in the sit I relaxed a little almost forgetting what I'd wanted to say,

         " Thank you Jace"
I whispered before I gave into the exhaustion, allowing myself drown In the darkness that was beckoning on me.

Lord when I wake up in a new day, I hope there will be something worth living for.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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