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Two years had passed by in a blur,     Adrian and I had decided to hold off on Kids mostly because we were so busy half the time,  and also because we were enjoying being with each other alone as unreasonable as that sounded,

But we had agreed that if a baby should somehow make its way through then we were gonna welcome him with open arms, and shower him or her with all the love on earth,

We had gone for that one more show we agreed on,  it was in the Paris fashion week last year,
On the stage Adrian had done the unthinkable by pulling me in a kiss,

Although considered unprofessional Madam Eleanor the owner of the line we had modeled had sold out every dress right on the show,

Something about a kiss on the runway between model couples  puts normal showbiz to shame,
She had tried to sign us up, even other fashion houses at the time kept emailing enticing offers but we refused, then held a press conference announcing our official retirement together,

The only shows we entertained were the ones from My clothing line, and I made sure to hire those models who hadn't made a name yet just so that they could get a chance at being at the spotlight.

Jace on the other hand had gotten married to Mace and just as planned we had our wedding the same day,

We had been the talk of every news outlet for months,  but we didn't care, we were happy so nothing else mattered,
Last year they had adopted triplet infants at the orphanage,
Though It  was quite hard but we had kept Nanny Esther in charge of the kids, she in turn hired two more nannies for the babies, which I considered pointless but they had a job that paid them so I let it be,

They were spoilt rotten by everyone especially Adrian and my mom,   they got them gifts at every given opportunity,

Sometimes they barely saw their kids because they were passed around almost all the time,

Meghan and Clayton had obviously had the talk considering their wedding was  named the  biggest wedding of the century after ours,  she was in fact expecting,   
She pursuid an acting career with the help of Clay, and she was so good at it, her first movie was a hit and she was over the moon about it,

My parents and My other dad, Adrian's father actually had become so inseparable that they got a house and moved in,

It  was so funny at the time cause I had no idea how they came to such a decision in the first place, but Adrian said he was happy about it cause now no one would come over and interrupt us when he was enjoying what was he's,

The companies had blossomed so much that Forbes had named Adrian and I Richest couple in the world although that sounded stupid and superficial to me,

All in all everything led us to where we always wanted to be,

Bad things happened along the lines,  like miss Catherine had died in a hit and run after we left Italy,  she had actually rejected Daddy Smiths advances,  she denied her feelings for him hence the reason we left Italy earlier than planned,  we didn't want him to feel any worse than he did,
I guess it had taken a bad toll on her because she had gotten drunk and was helplessly heading home when it happened,

We had gone back and mourned a couple of days with her family before we came back out here. And moved on with our lives eventually,

It wasn't perfect because sometimes we had arguments,
Ones that made us ignore each other for a while, but somehow we still fixed our problems and moved on together,  

I was more than thankful for the way my life has turned out, and I couldn't wish for it to be any other Way.

I learnt a lot from the people I met day in day out but above all, I learnt one thing that I could testify was true to the T.

      "Little By Little The Healing Adds".

              THE OFFICIAL END.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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