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After Arabella's  departure and my call to Greg, only lord knows how stressed I have been,   I got home and went straight to bed hoping that tomorrow would be probably better.

Waking up this morning felt like a burden cause I couldn't think straight enough to decide on a course of action,

Getting to work and entering my office was a different story altogether,   the Paps had flooded my office building like vultures gathering for a feast,
I was able to wiggle my way through from the back door and into my office where Greg was already waiting for me,
There was only so much he could do and just this once I understood his situation,

A couple of hours had passed and I still couldn't bring myself to sit down and work for more than a few minutes,    calls had been coming through from my investors asking what was going on, 

I stood and began pacing around my office till I heard a light knock at the door,    I raised my brows at Greg who only shrugged and began making his way to the door,  when he opened it the air was literally knocked out of me,

There stood Alexandra looking like she had seeing death itself,  
Yeah she wasn't exactly one to be overly dressed and stuff but this was definitely out of character even for her,    but even at that she was still the most beautiful woman I'd set eyes on.

         She waited till Greg was out of the door before she stepped forward till she was standing right across my desk then she spoke,

            "I' understand that you have absolutely no feelings for me,  I understand that you feel like you have no choice as regards the matter and for that I am sorry,      I know that just like me you didn't want to wake up one morning only to realize that in a few days you will be married to a total stranger,   I truly understand all of that and you have no idea how sorry I am,     but please Adrian I hope you don't disrespect me in this manner,    I know you and Arabella have been together for so long and although you ain't together anymore  I am still guilty for been the reason you both might never be the same again but please try to think of me a little before you do things like this,    I am human too Adrian and I hope you  remember that "

With that said she turned and walked away,   without turning one more time,  without sparing me a glance she left,

If I was feeling like a jerk before, that had become old because now I felt like shit,    I needed to fix this for our sakes,   and if I wanted to make this right then the best way was to tell everyone what transpired between Arabella and I,   equally releasing the footage would do me good too, 

           "Release a statement and the footage extracted from the cctv in my office,  Arabella should handle the consequences of her actions"

I hanged up and decided to relax,    Arabella came in here acting like the spoilt brat she'd always been,  I always tolerated it in the past because I thought I loved her enough to endure her nastiness,

In the past I would put up with her insolence because I didn't want to go through the stress of starting a new relationship, or the hassle of being called the bachelor up for grabs,     been with her was convenient hence the reason I didn't let her go,      

Eventually I couldn't keep holding on anymore,  I needed my space from the drama and I honestly thought she would learn from what happened between us,    I thought she would outgrow the obsession of always being the center of attention,

  but with this stunt I guess that would never happen and I'm done trying,

Then again there was Alexandra,   I had absolutely no idea how I was supposed to feel about everything  she said earlier on,    

Did she say it so she could guilt trip me.?
That sounded stupid even as a thought,

I didn't even do anything wrong so what the fuck was she on about,   I owed her absolutely nothing except the wedding and my last name,  

     But why was I still bothered by the look she had on her face when she came here?

Ever since I met that woman my life had totally turned into a soap opera.

I got up and tried going to the shelf to pour myself a drink but my movement was halted by the ring of my phone,

          "I called to inform you that it will no longer be necessary to release the video and a statement sir"

        "why's that? "

     "miss Arabella has just released a statement,  Clearing the air about the situation in your office "

       "What do you mean she cleared the air about the situation in my office,? Can you fucking give me details?  I don't have all day"

       "I'm sorry,    she released a statement telling everyone that she was upset about your engagement and had gone to confront you, and that she was only acting based on emotions when she tried coercing you back to her,     she was kind enough to tell the media that you didn't touch her in any way,  she concluded her statement by telling everyone that it was a terrible misunderstanding and she was rendering her heart felt apology,    that's all she said sir"

       "Keep an eye on Arabella,  she's definitely up to something,   I've known that woman long enough to know that she never admits her mistakes neither does she ever Apologises to anyone "

With that I hung up and sat back on the chair,  thankfully I didn't have to deal with that situation anymore even if I knew Arabella was definitely up to no good,   

All I had now was a wedding to attend except the said wedding was mine too.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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