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Ever since we arrived she'd been making so much effort just to reach out to me but I maintained my decision of ignoring her existence.

Alexandra is the kind of woman that comes into your life and turns it up side down but not in a negative way,  It  was more about the way she carried herself,  this way she didn't even have to try to catch your attention because she had It,

She smelled so fucking good that I had no idea what I'd do if I didn't get a whif of her scent anymore,   
Don't even get me started on her voice,  it sounded so fucking soft and silky,    

That  was  what her presence in my life was causing me,  restlessness and internal stress.

Then there was also Jace who had made it a point of duty to make me Alex's guard,
  he checked on her through me almost every five hours and honestly it was both annoying and weird,

He asked pretty specific questions and it made me curious about what was going on with that woman,

He would ask if she'd experienced pain anywhere, or restlessness amongst other things,    I honestly didn't care but I got curious about his center of worry.

I had just finished asking him to call her since he was so worried but instead he said I wouldn't understand,   but instead offered to talk to me about everything if I wanted,  

I had agreed cause in as much as I didn't like this woman I still needed to know what vile secrets she could be keeping.

While I stood there on the balcony thinking about what she could be hiding from me, 

I heard her voice calling out to me,  I didn't turn to acknowledge her until she asked that we go swimming,

I was so close to saying yes but thankfully I got distracted by what she was wearing,  

I had no idea how or when it happened but I could feel my Jean tightening,  

She was definitely sex on legs and I needed to escape her presence,   but then I remembered she said something about going out to swim?    How could this menace of a woman consider going out dressed in almost nothing,      what if another man would see her body especially with her looking like that, so fucking sexy,

But then regardless of the thought I was having about her
What I said next made me feel so terrible and stupid,   all I  wanted to do was dissuade her from going to the beach but now I ended up body shaming her,

And it made me feel like utter shit,  that wasn't what I meant to do,    hence as soon as the words left my mouth I rushed away cause I was so ashamed of myself and my actions.

Once I arrived back at my home office I decided to bury myself in my work,  at least that's the one place she couldn't get me and I wouldn't spill stupidity from my mouth.


          I have no idea how many hours had passed but I could hear the helper calling out to me,
She had asked what I wanted to eat but I told her I wasn't hungry, but instructed she makes something for Alex,  she hadn't come out of her room since she went in there so my best guess is that she had nothing to eat yet.

After that little distraction I'd returned my focus on my work.

Sometime later my stomach began growling like I hadn't fed it all day,  I looked at the time and realized it had been a couple of hours.

I heaved a sigh and started making my way to the kitchen hoping that there was something edible,  now I was regretting asking the help not to make anything, that was a stupid thing to do on my part.

Anyways as soon as I made it to the kitchen I started rummaging through the drawers and fridge but found nothing,    there were ingredients to make something but sadly I couldn't cook anything to save my own life,

I was so focused on finding anything that I didn't notice Alex make her way to the fridge,    I watched her pull out  container and scrunched up her nose,

         Maybe she didn't like it,  I made a mental note to talk to my helps back home so they would know her likes and dislikes,
Although I'm unsure of why I care about what she likes and dislikes,

With that confusing notion in my mind I started making my way to the living room, I'll just order something though I'm unsure of the possibility that I can get anything considering the time.

I was surfing through some TV shows when Alex came in holding a tray of food,   she placed it before me and asked me to go ahead and eat,

I looked up at her to say thank you but she was already walking away,  making me feel all the more guilty and stupid for what I did to her,

I had treated her wrong yet here she was offering me her meal as though I did right by her,  how could I do that?

Few minutes later I decided to follow her to the kitchen to offer the apology she definitely deserved but there she was, moving flawlessly and effortlessly in the kitchen,  putting together whatever she was making for herself.

I watched her for a while then decided to leave her to it,  I didn't want to say something wrong and end up causing her to lose her appetite, so with that I went back to the living room not without reminding myself that this was the second debt I'd be owing Alexandra Kings.

Yes I still didn't like her, but I knew that I went too far when I disrespected her,   even the little menace deserved a little better.

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That's all you gotta do for me

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