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Finally it was the day for the press conference, I had called Adrian to remind him exactly when he could make an appearance,  we had agreed to make the announcement before anything else for the event.

Truth be told I didn't call him cause I needed to tell him anything but that was an excuse to hear his voice, even if it held no emotions,

After getting dressed up I was called by Jace who seemed to be on edge, telling me how I was running late, I looked at the time and indeed I was super late,

I rushed out of the house and into the car and told the driver to go to the Moon's Events, 

Upon arrival there was no space to go through,   my security detail were able to clear the path for me, and I couldn't be any more thankful for having them in my life.

Once I got in there were roars and cheers,  people screaming my name, others taking multiple photographs,  I just stood, smiled and waved at them,    it was moments like this that I hated most in my life, when I had to laugh and pretend like I had it all when in all honesty most of the people gathered here today had more stable lives than I could ever imagine.

    Finally I sat at the table with Jace to my right considering his position as manager as well, then Mason by my left with my team  standing behind us,   I smiled at them and said a brief hello before I cleared my throat into the mic.

         "Hello everyone, thank you for actually making out time to come out here this evening, I am honored"
After saying that they erupted into claps and cheers that made it impossible to hear myself.

        "alright alright alright, please settle down beautiful people, I'm sure you all have other things doing today"
I could see them settling down so I whispered to Mason to go get Adrian so we could make the announcement together.

"I'm sure you are all wondering our reasons for calling for this conference,  well let's just say I got multiple news for you all, so hold your horses "
I heard them erupt into laughter over my last statement,  soon laughter turned to multiple cheers and screams,   that's when I knew my Adonis had arrived,

Dressed in a two piece Armani blue suit and a heart stopping smile, what could a girl possibly want more from life.

      He made his way to me and did what I could only ever imagine possible, nothing could have prepared me for the moment he pulled me up from my sit and gave me the tightest hug I'd ever received from any man that wasn't Jace, before he pulled away and pecked my lips.

I was dumb struck, Adrian Smith had kissed me.

Who would believe my luck, even if I knew it was only him been a great actor, for me this was real and nothing in this world was ever going to change that.

         I looked into his eyes that still held absolute hate for me, reminding me that in his sight I was nothing and no one,   in that moment I felt my eyes slightly water so I turned around and sat down, I had lost whatever excitement I had before all of this, I felt him sit in the chair beside me where Jace once occupied, I looked to my left and saw Jace giving me the sympathetic look again,
I smiled wildly at him before I focused once more on the crowd that hadn't stopped cheering, 

I cleared my throat once more demanding their attention which I thankfully received instantly.

     I smiled at Adrian motioning for him to go on.
He  nodded then took my hand where the ring was placed, he kissed it slightly before turning back to the crowd
          "I know you have a million questions to ask but before you do I must enlighten y'all a little.

we gathered you here today to announce our engagement to the world,  having found love in the arms of this gorgeous woman beside me I didn't want to wait any longer than necessary, seeing as she's a beautiful woman I didn't need anyone else standing in my way, I had to pop the question to which she made me the happiest man alive by saying yes,     thank you"

Never had I wished for truer words in my  life,  he lied so smoothly that even I began feeling guilty about the fact that I was lying straight to these people.

He smiled again at me then asked them to roll in their questions,   they began hounding us with questions and thankfully we answered the best we could till one person decided to turn the party up a little by asking the question I'd been dreading all afternoon:

       "miss moon, does this mean that you've been a part of his life all this while, even when he was in a relationship with miss Arabella?,  were you his other woman? "
I definitely wished the ground would open so I could fall in

I looked over at Adrian who seemed to have frozen since the question was asked, I decided to save the both of us cause obviously he didn't know what to say.

     "No,  I wasn't the other woman in his relationship,  besides I'd been away for over three years now so that would have been pointless,
Adrian and I have known each other for a very long time now and we have been both business partners and really great friends, he had a beautiful relationship with miss Arabella and I would have been a fool if I had dared interfered in what they had,    secondly there was no other woman between them because they had absolute loyalty for each other and I can attest to that,  people break up for different reasons and I guess they had  their own reasons too,
      Adrian and I got into a relationship eight months ago when he visited Bolivia for a business trip, we were together for a while and we realized we had feelings for each other that was beyond platonic, he made the move and here we are today,  I hope there are no more unsettled questions as regards this. "

I knew I had told more lies in ten minutes than I'd told in my entire life, but I knew it was for the right cause,    I loved Adrian and even if he didn't love me back, one of my responsibilities as his wife was to defend his name.

After that question and answer about our engagement he left to go back to work, while I continued to the next phase of the conference.

Five Hours later we had concluded everything and dismissed the press,
while Jace, Mace and I were now in the car making our way home,   we had stopped at the restaurant and had dinner so I knew as soon as I got home I would make a bee line for my bed, 

From tomorrow I'll be starting wedding plans, it was still in a weeks time so I had a little to do,  It  was going to be a private wedding,  really private because Adrian is only up for his father and my  family, that's how private we are talking.

As I said before I honestly don't care, as long as I hopefully spend my life with him, we were free to go to Vegas and marry in the presence of a fake Elvis.

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