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It was finally the end of our supposed honeymoon and we were going back home later in the day,

Jace and I had been able to complete the preparation for the charity event,

While at it I had received an email from my father inviting me to the annual Ball for Kings Group,  the event was going to be this weekend but I was just getting the invitation,   that was the love for me,

I sent it to Jace and Asked him to come along with Mace,    now I needed to set my nerves aside so I could go invite Adrian as my husband and plus one,    though I knew it would be a straight No I still felt the need to try,

  Now I just needed to know how to start that conversation considering we were at a really weird place, 

since the incident I tried my best to abstain from doing anything stupid in his presence,
Yes he  still didn't acknowledge me a lot but he seemed to be talking more to me whenever I initiated small talks with him,

But this was a different situation, how was I supposed to ask him to accompany me to an event especially if he couldn't even speak more than necessary to me.

Finally, After much deliberation and practice I was able to force my feet towards his home office where he had spent this two weeks in,  it was now or never.

Once I got there I knocked softly and was given an immediate answer to come in,
He spoke reminding me his deep magnetic voice,

This was always going to be my Achilles heel, 

Voice Always so deep yet had a softness that could calm even the craziest of people,  but at the same time it could make the wealthiest of men stand still and pay absolute attention to him when he spoke.
I shook my head and tried to focus on the matter at hand ,

Though   I noticed him staring at me with a perfectly raised eyebrow and that's when I realized I had zoned out again on him,
I cleared my throat before I spoke,

       "I'm really Sorry to bother you but I came to actually request something from you if you don't mind "

        He sighed a little then looked away muttering something under his breath before he looked back at me again, normally he would walk away or just let me talk and never reply, so I already prepared my mind for either of those to happen,     except he decided to surprise me.

       "What is  it Alexandra?  And better go straight to the point"

I could feel his irritation but he was actually willing to sit and pay attention.
  "Sorry again,  uhm, I was kinda hoping that maybe by any chance that probably -"

     "if you are going to keep repeating the same thing in different words then you might as well leave and return when you're composed enough to speak "

He interrupted my rambling making my cheeks grow red from embarrassment,  I looked down at my conjoined hands I had placed on my laps then took deep breaths before I spoke again.

      "Alright sorry again,   I have Been invited to a Ball by my family and it' Will be held this weekend,"
I stopped talking for a while so he could catch up with what I was saying,  although it was mainly so I could gather some moral before asking him properly to be my date to the ball.

     " And? "
He asked still looking agitated, I ignored his question and went ahead with my request,

    " And I was hoping that if you weren't busy, that maybe you would please be my Date"

At this point I was no longer looking at him,  I was unable to make eye contact with him cause I was afraid of the outright rejection I would receive, if he was going to say no then its best I don't see his face when he did it,

Except Adrian Smith was always a man of great surprises,  

I have no clue when he left his sit or when he walked up to me but all I know is that he was standing right before me,   holding my jaw and lifting my face so I could look at him,

I felt my eyes water cause I knew he was going to say no and he wanted me to see the hate in his eyes when he did it,

Did he hate me so much that he couldn't even spare me the pain of not watching him turn me down,

I stared at him for a moment then I decided to walk away,  I knew the answer already so there was no need to stay here ,

With that I tried pulling away from him,  the operational word been. Tried.

As soon as I tried to move away from his grasps he pulled me by my wrist and slammed me into him,  I gasp at the impact and instinctively held onto him by placing my hands on his hard chest then looked up at him,

      At this rate I was sure that I might pass out from all the dragon's that were swimming in my stomach non stop ,

To make matters worse for my poor heart He went ahead to trace my face with his thumb so softly that I bit my lips to hold back a moan,   then he did the impossible again.

       Adrian Smith Kissed me.

But before I could get to enjoy the kiss he pulled away and looked at me briefly before he sighed and spoke,

        "Yes I'll attend the Ball with you,    you can leave now, our flight is in thirty minutes"

With that said he pulled away from me and left the room where I still stood frozen,  

Does that mean that he was accepting me?   Or was it his way of Apologising? 
That's delusional,     or was he indirectly giving me hope that we were gonna be okay?

Everything I came up with sounded impossible,   he didn't have feelings for me and I knew that for a fact, 
But why did he kiss me?

I was about giving myself an answer when his deep voice reverberated through the room,   startling and earning a yelp from me,
      "if you ain't ready to leave you should let me know so I can go ahead, I don't have all day Alex"
Well now I got my answer at least,   he only kissed me cause it was a heat of the moment kind of thing,

I begrudgingly turned and followed him out of his office and made my way to my room,  I picked up my bag and made my way to the car where he was already sitting,   

As soon as I got in he asked the driver to go ahead,     while I turned and waved the help one more time ,  I was definitely going to miss her and the delicious food she makes,   her meals always reminded me of Jace and my grandma Louis.

Anyways with the honeymoon phase over and a mistake kiss as a parting gift I figured I had to focus on my future now, 

He kissed me no matter how much of a mistake it seemed to be, so I plan on making sure that the next time it happens it will be because he wanted to do It  with absolutely no aftermath regrets.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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