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       I stood at the back stage between the curtains appreciating the woman I was lucky to call mine,

Yeah we got off on the wrong foot,  I ignored her at every turn possible,     I disrespected her in more ways than one, yet amidst everything I did wrong she never took a walk,

Instead she waited regardless of the uncertainties and disloyalty,   I had no idea how she could do that for me considering how I never gave her the signs that It was going to get easier or better,

Her forgiving nature was something I had never seen in anyone else I've known for so long,     after everything her family had put her through she still decided to give them a chance.

Honestly when they'd asked that I give them a chance in our lives I was so close to lashing out on them,  but I reminded myself that just about a month ago I was exactly like them, treating her probably worse than they did,

That's why I spent every giving opportunity to show her how much she meant to me,   I had personally donated a lot of money to the orphanage she owned in an anonymous name.

I could never stop loving this woman because I don't know what I'll do instead,   she makes life so much easier and I couldn't ask for anyone else in her stead,

      "I better be the only one that's got you all smiles like that"

I let out a laugh and pulled her into me,

      "No one makes me smile the way you do baby,"

    "I know right?"
She replied trying to act all smug except she was failing, her face had turned beetroot red,

      "Indeed,  you did so good up there babe,  I'm so proud of you"
I said pulling her in for a kiss,

      "Mm hmm, thanks for your support, I had all of you rooting for me and even if I was unsure how It would turn out,  it was all of your efforts that made it happen"
She said smiling up at me.

    " So what are your plans now baby"?
I asked cause I actually had a  vacation planned for us but I still needed to check in with her schedule.

     "I'm taking a month's leave from work, Jace will take care of everything in my absence,  I guess I want to spend time with you and probably hang out with my family,  I know I said I wasn't willing to play catch up but if they are making so much effort then the least I can do is meet them halfway "

     " Perfect because we are going on a vacation and we are expected at the Jet in 30 minutes "
She looked at me with wide eyes then started grinning like a child before she jumped on me.

        " What are we waiting for then?"
She asked bouncing back and forth on my body,

I laughed at her antics before I held her tight then began making my way to the car,

     "You are such a big baby"

    "Mm hmm, You love me regardless"
I shook my head at her reply

    "You are my big baby"
I said sending her a soft smile and a kiss  in her fore head.



    Couple of hours later we were already in the air, with Alex  still stuck on my laps while talking to Meghan,

They had gotten so close that I couldn't bring myself to still be mad at them,  I simply decided to get to know them,

Looking at her pouty lips when Meghan smacked her hand away from her chocolate cake, I smiled at her then kissed her head.

I placed her back on her sit then made my way to the room so I could get some sleep, except that didn't happen because Alex had other thoughts in mind,

      "I'm craving vanilla ice cream babe,"

    "but you never liked Vanilla babe, how can you be craving it?"
I asked feeling quite surprised at her sudden cravings,

      "Well that's because I've been practicing the act of versatility"

    "That's a big word babe"
I replied in between laughs while she tried to glare at me, key word been that she TRIED.

     "I Love You Alex, and I don't want to live in a world where you are not,  I want to wake up everyday with you right beside me, looking all shades of perfect,
I want a time to come when we go on these vacations with our kids and extended family,
A time when we build empires together with you right beside me as my Queen, 
A time when we do everything we've always wanted to do together, 

You complete me Moon Alexandra Kings Smith,  and I will never have it any other way, "

By the time I finished she had hugged me so tight I was worried about air circulation,

       " Been a Queen isn't bad"
She replied in between tears and laughter,

    "Close to a page of pouring my heart to you and that's all you heard?"
I asked a bit surprised at the woman straddling me,

      "I've always wanted to hear the man I love call me his Queen babe, So yes that was most important to me"
She said then leaned forward and captured my lips in a searing Kiss,

   "Why don't you show me how much you love me"   she whispered against my lips then grinded her core on my really hard and painful Erection,

    "your wish is my command my queen" I replied before flipping us over then captured her lips in a sweet and well deserved Kiss,

Let's just say we spent the remainder of the trip showing each other alright how much we love each other.

Hey guys,   this was a filler chapter so you can know how Andrian has been doing,   

Secondly we've got probably a chapter or two more to end their story,   be  prepared people
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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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