honeymoon Pt 2 (spicy)

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Your POV 

as the plane was in the ski I looked out the window as we descended up into the clouds and away from our home country and to somewhere that I had no idea where we were going  but I was going to dose off again and so I leaned onto touyas shoulder and started to dose off a bit until his hand found its way to my thigh I didn't think much of it tell it started moving up I looked to my boyfriend and all he did was look at his phone watching whatever was on it I sighed and laid my head back down on his shoulder and his hand moved up again and my eyes widen  and I tense up a bit but soon relaxe as he rubs circuls onto my thigh with his thumb and it calmed me and I started to close my eyes and then his hand moved a lot up to and that is when I realized what he was going to do and I looked at him and he had a smirk on his face now and he looked to " what is it love" he asked with a slight meschevious smile and I looked at him " toyua we cant do this in public" I said with nervousness in my tone " do what baby I'm not doing anything " he said and he turned back to his phone and continued on with his hand and I looked    at him but he didn't seem to care and continued on I sighed and tried to keep calm and not wiggle around to much as his hand got closer to my heat i looked out the window trying to distract myself and i had calmed down enough and he seemed to notice and that was when he finally got to my heat and he cupped me and started to palm my clit and i let out a squeack and i quickly covered my mouth and he looked to me and smirk " hands off little one you have to keep quiet on your own " he said in a husky voice in my ear and i removed my hands with a heavy sigh with a shacky breath i looked to him " touya please more " i begged quietly and he gave a low chuckle and started to put his hand down my pants when the flight attendant came and asked what we wanted to drink and he quickly took his hand out and put it in his lap and asked for a coke she asked me next " dr pepper please" i said trying to keep my voice steady and she smiled and nodded walking away as toyua went back to what e was doing i ghasped at how fast his hand was in my pants and his fingers on my clit and rubbing curciles he started slow making me squirm and he soo picked up pace his fingers doing rough paced circles and my breath picked up fast and he only smirked and waited when i was so close he continued and i got a sweet reales bucking my hips up and grinding on his fingers he smirked and waited for me to calm dow with a sigh i rested back into my seat he smiled at me and i felt his fingers enter me and i gave a quiet squeak and looked up at him with wide eyes he smirked as his fingers went in and out of me slowly picking up there pace and i squirmed and wreathed trying to keep quiet as he did what he pleased with me and soon i was coming again on his finger he smirked and he took his hand out and sucked his fingers clean and as he finished our drinks came a i quickly took a sip as well as relax my breathing and i realised how tired i was and i laid on touya again and i went back to sleep he chuckled and that's all i heard before i feel asleep. 

Touya's POV 

I slimed as she fell asleep on my shoulder ' i wore her out ' i thought to myself and chuckled and just laid my head onto hers and waited for the flight to end so we could start our honeymoon and our adventure. 

( Hey guys here a chapter idk lol I just wanted to give yall something and hope you liked it feel free to vote or comment and have a good day night or whatever)

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