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Your POV

After Touya and I had finished packing it was about 3 so we decided to just hang out and watch tv and soon it was time for dinner and we were both too lazy to cook so we ordered out and ate and it made us end up where we are now it was about 10 no it didn't take us that long to it we ate then watched movies and snacked I looked over to Touya and saw his eyes drooping so I tugged his shirt " Touya can we go to bed " I said in a tired voice he smiled and looked down at me and nodded picking me up bridle stile and took us to bed he gently laid me down and walked away for a second I whined for his warmth again I heard him chuckle and get into bed wrapping around me again and I gave a satisfied hum and snuggled into his chest.

Touya's POV

As she snuggled into my chest I wrapped my arms around her and we drifted off to sleep but I woke up to here whimpering and I looked at her and she looked as if she was having a nightmare so I stroked her head " shhh your alright I'm here " I cooed to her and she seemed to calm down and I continued to stroke her head tell I fell back to sleep and we had a peaceful night tell we had to wake up and go to the airport I woke up at the sound of the alarm but y/n was still sleeping on my chest I smiled and gently woke her up and when I saw her eyes open my smile got bigger and I kissed her forehead and her cute little giggle filled my ears and I squeezed her and started sitting up and she whined not wanting to get up but she wrapped her legs around me and I carried her out of the room until I forced her to get ready she kept groaning until I got her a cup of coffee and she quit whining as I chuckled and kept getting ready and as I got dressed and she was sitting with her coffee cup taking sips until she woke up enough and then got dressed and ready to go and when she walked up to me and hugged me leaving gentel kisses on my neck i smile and stroke her head and held her looking at the time i relised we had to go and i let her go as she pouted and grabbed the bags and put them in the car getting in with her in the passenger side and off we go to the airport i put one of my hands on her thigh trying to make sure she stayed awake she smiled and turned her head to look at me with a smile i gave her thigh a light squezz and we kapt driving tell we reached the airport checked in and now we wait for our plane and as we did that she fell asleep i could only chuckle and sigh and let her sleep.

Your POV

I was woken up and i looked around and say it was touya waking me up to get on the plane I gave him the just woke up stare and slowly nodded getting up and grabbing my bags with a big yawn walking up to the gate they checked our tickets and sent us down the tunnel to get onto the plane and we stepped on and looked down the isle of seats I sighed and we walked dow to the second row but our bags into the over head bin and sat down me laying on youths shoulder and quietly talking until they told us we will be taking off I looked out the window and watched as we descended into the ski and off to our honeymoon.

( omg I am so sorry for the wait for this and I know it is kinda garbage but I thought I should get something out for y'all I have been so busy with school and personal stuff I just haven't had time to update but I promise that I will start posting things again I can't guarantee when again I'm so sorry and hope you can for give me see you in the next chapter)

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