primal ( smut )

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Your POV

As I woke up the next day in Dabi's arms he had woken up a little bit before me and was watching a show as he looked down at me with a smile as I look at him and kiss his nose he chuckles a little he smiled brightly when the doctor came in and he said I was getting discharged today I was happy to get out of the hospital and when I got back to school I was greeted by everyone saying they missed me and as I went into my homeroom class I saw my dad as I went up to him I hugged him tight he heard about the accident with endeavor it was all over the news the headline was ' endeavor rapes U.A student and his son's girlfriend ' and had a picture of him and then I thank god I had a police escort out of the hospital.

Dabi's POV

As my baby girl was hugging her dad I sat because I knew she would come and hug her daddy soon and one thing I know for sure was that she was horny from not being able to fuck or have any pleasure for three almost four weeks but what I didn't know was she was way past horny she was at a primal level that if I turned her on in any way that she would try and fuck then and there but I would soon find out the hard way as I thought she came to hug her daddy and I gratefully hugged her back but I made the mistake of kissing and nibbled her neck and she plopped down on my lap and started grinding and trying to fuck she was like a wolf in heat so I had to stand up and get her off " dabi F/n come out to the hall now " aizawa said as I nodded and she sighed as if he had just ruined her fun as we got out to the hall he looked to us " why were you just trying to fuck in my classroom " he sighed I looked to her for her to explain " dont look at me teach it was all her " i said cooly he looked to her " well explain " he said in more stern tone she looked to her dad " i haven't fucked or had any sense of pleasure in almost four weeks what to you expect i am litarly like i am in heat i need to fuck " she said as i smirked her dad sighed " i didnt need to know that but at the same time i did whatever just go some where and fuck like rabbits for all i care but make it privet " he said we nodded but she asked somthing " dad do you plan to go to the old apartment to sleep anytime soon " he looked at her " nope have fun " he said as he went back into the classroom as we smirked at each other and we bolted to there old apartment.

Your POV

As I was pulling him to the old apartment as soon as we stepped in I slammed the door locking it and start kissing him and running my hands through his hair but he had other plans he picked me up and slammed me against the door but I wasn't there for long I was rushed and slammed down on the bed I smiled at dabi or should I now call him Touya " daddy what should I call you " I whined " what do you mean baby girl " he husked " do I call you dabi or Touya "I asked " call me Touya or daddy " he whispered the last part into my ear before roughly grinding on me " AAAAAHHHHHH DADDY " I howled with pleasure and I knew i was in for a rough night and next couple days he roughly kissed me and took my clothes off or I should say ripped my clothes off and took the nipple of my right breast in between his lips and sucked hard he used his teeth and bit hard making me howl again as he switched breasts now giving the other the same treatment while massageing the other but he went lower after that he kissed down my stomach and kept going lower and soon reached kissing my inner thighs and soon reached my weak spot he kissed over my clit and i let out breathy moans as he kept kissing and it felt like i was in heaven but when he used his tongue i reached cloude nine he licked over my slit from my entrance to my clit and it felt amazing i felt him smirk as he did it again he sucked my clit he started to prod my entrance with his tongue and i soon felt him push in i was a moaning mess when it came to him but this was just the start i felt him thrust his tongue in and out a few times he pulled back and got face to face with me and smirked kissing me and i felt his throbbig cock at my dripping cunt and pushed in but as soon as i felt full he pulled out i whined " on all fours ass in the air if your going to act like a wolf in heat the is what i am going to treat this as.... a mating " he demanded it sent shivers down my spine but i did what he said as soon as i am in the possition he rammed into me and i cried out in pleasure he kept ramming with every thrust he felt every curve he would know your body down to the last germ by the end of this he was thrusting like a wild animal and i loved it as he thrust i was getting closer to my bearking point " daddy im going to cum " i whimpered he grabbed my throat and my back hit his and he got even deeper at this angle " then cum on my cock coat it with your cum drench me " he snarled and as soon as those words left his mouth i cummed he growled and spilled his seed deep inside me " thats a good girl you did so good for daddy " he praised as i layed with him on the side of me panting " ready for round two" he said like he wasn't tired and back to normal.

And that was the start to as Aizawa said 'fucking like rabbits' for the next couple days.

( HI guys I hoped you liked the chapter and hope to see you in the next feel free to comment vote or ask any questions you have thank you so much for 8k almost 9k reads it is greatly appreciated I hope this is helping to get through this dilemma see you in the next chapter bye )

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