The hospital

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Dabi's POV

The doctor walked out " umm F/n Aizawa's family " me and Aizawa stood up I looked at him and he said " yes that's us " as we walked up to him " well she is stable and doing well but we don't know when she will wake up but how did this happen " the doctor asked " well she got hurt in training then someone thought she was faking and then hurt her more " Aizawa said before I could form words " well if you want you can come and see her " the doctor said I nodded and followed the doc to the room where she was and as soon as I walked in and saw her my heart stopped she had an oxygen tube under her nose she was all bandaged up and she was asleep as I walked in I grabbed her hand and I kissed it as I sat side her and I would tell she woke up.

Your POV

The last thing i remembered was laying in dabi's lap with dad at my side and when i opened my eyes there was a really bright light and the sound of beeping i looked around and i noticed that i was in a hospital i looked to my side and i saw dabi i smiled he looked at me and he jumped up " oh my god your awake let me get a doctor " he said and left the room he entered again and was with a doctor " well hello ms aizawa how are you feeling " he asked " i feel good but how long was i out " i questioned " about a week " he said i nodded and he explained what was wrong with me and i understood i had to stay for a little tell i am good enough to go back into my dads and dabis care again but i didn't mind my dad was told and he came and stayed with me telling me how dabi has not left since i got here and i smiled at that he was really a good boyfriend sure he messed up but he was blackmailed to do it and once he told me i was ok with it i was still mad but we got back together he came back in the room and had food i was so happy to see him i smiled at him and he sat beside me.

( time skip still you POV )

It has been a week since I woke up and I was getting discharged today but I had to go to a rehab center for a few months tell I could get walking again and moving my arm and writing again I understood so I was transferred and I was in a nice room with a nice view I smiled as I waited to tell I was visited by dabi he came every day like my dad I was often visited by shoto and even endeavor I was never alone when he visited so I was ok with him being there but I was still nervous even though there where other people there I bet he would try and ravage me with them there so it's just a matter of time and it truly scared me.


( Hi guys I hope you liked this chapter the next is a bit of a sensitive chapter in what happens in it but what would you expect with me anyway I will try and update as quick as I can I am working really late on most of the chapters but I will do what I can to help you through this and hope you're all well feel free to dm me with questions on just comment and thank you for 6k reads and for all the votes and see you in the next chapter )

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