sweet moments

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Your POV 

I had woken up the next morning to a sleeping Touya I could only smile at him and I got up I was a little sore but that much was to be expected so I went into the bathroom and cleaned up and started getting ready to pack because we will be going on our honeymoon in a day so I made a list of things I needed to pack and what I needed I was concentrated tell I felt a pair of arms wrap around me I turned around and smiled at my now husband and all I could do was smile at the thought he smiled down at me " how about I make us breakfast"  he said I smiled and nodded to him and he set off to the kitchen to start cooking and i kept making the list of things i needed to pack and soon i was done with a list for me and one for touya and as i had finished he had called that the food was ready ' what good timing ' i thought as i got up with the lists and took them out with me to the kitchen i gave touya his and he smiled at me and nodded with a small chuckle and we saat dwn and ate the amaizing breakfast he made.

Touya's POV 

As I called to Y/n that food was ready she came in and handed me a list I looked at it and it was a packing list I smiled and nodded with a small chuckle that this is what she had been working on but I took it because I knew she had thought of everything I would need and knowing me I would forget something hell even with it I will probably still forget something and she will probably end up blaming herself for not having me be prepared enough but I knew that she would know it was my fault anyway we sat down and ate the breakfast I cooked for her I could tell it was good by the moan she let out when she took the first bite of her food I almost chocked because I started laughing as her face turned red at the sound she just made she looked at me and I smiled at her and she quickly looked back down and kept eating I only shook my head smiling and continued eating  she had finished her really quickly and when I finished she took my plate and cleaned it for me i only smiled and walked up behind her and hugged her from behind she leaned her head back onto my chest and she took a long breath in through her nose and exhaled " you smell good " she said and i chuckled " thanks you do to " i said barying my nose in her hair she kissed my jaw line making me look at he amd she kissed my nose i smiled an kissed her on the lips she giggled her cute giggle " i need to go pack " she said and i groaned and nodded letting her go as she walked away i smacke her ass and she yelped in surpries and walked away back into the bedroom and i shighed relising i needed to do the same and so i went off to pack with her. 

( Hi guys sorry for the wait I have been really busy with school so chapters will probably be taking longer to come out thank yall for 26k I appreciate it feel free to vote comment follow if you like my stories and make sure you share this with people who you think will like this book again thank you so much and see you in the next chapter bye )

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