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I smelt smoke and saw flames blue flames I was off by myself and I rushed to were I saw the flames I blasted myself into a tree and watched the two figures and I listened to some of the conversation " twice make another copy of me " " sure thing Dabi no why should I do that for you the last one was so weak " my eyes went wide when I herd his name I shut my eyes and sighed " remember the mission we only need to get the target we aren't here to hurt anyone " ' target oh no ' ( ' this means that they are thinking )  when there voices faded I hoped down from the tree and started running the opposite way when I wasn't paying attention I ran into something or someone I should say when I looked up I saw the one person I hoped I wouldn't ' how I saw them walk away ' " well hello target two " I jumped away from him I had a sweatshirt over my mouth and nose ( your draw backs are headaches that is caused by strong smells and loud noises and overusing your quirk )  I got into a fighting position I run at him and I he easily pinned me to a tree burned the sweatshirt off my face and I scream in pain and grab my head  " oh so headaches are your draw backs so all the smoke is bad for you huh " he grabs a branch and puts it in front of my face " no stop please " " shh it's ok it will all be over soon " " Dabi please stop " he kisses my forehead and that's the last thing that I saw before I passed out " he pressed a transmitter " target two captured meet me at evacuation point within five minutes of this transmission " he walks to the area and compress for Bakugou the warp gate opens up and we are brought through we are strapped to chairs and Dabi told shigiraki about the headaches so I had a strap put on my head Bakugou was putting up a fight and when one of his explosions woke me " what the hell " I scream on pain because of my head " hey there princess " I growl at him " we want you to join us " " never " " ok " Bakugou was tied back up and we were brought water I drank a little but not much but as for Bakugou he spit it all over twice I giggled at that Dabi was curious " what are you giggling at " I look toward twice he followed my gaze he chuckled a bit to " yea that is a bit funny " " yea it is sorry twice " I giggle a bit more Dabi smiles at me he sighed and I did my head strap a little " don't make me regret doing this " I sigh in relief my head has a bit of rest I drank a bit more of water he kisses my forehead and put the strap back on it was night now and I was in and out all night when it was morning all the villains  came back in " anyone have a change in heart " fuck you " " someone's grumpy in the morning " I growl a little  " well any way it's moving day " " what I thought you said no going outside carelessly " " we have Kurogiri for that stupid " Dabi growled at him I giggled a little " what's so funny " " none of your concern " he smiles a little it is just barely able to be seen shigiraki got a plan from that " Dabi let her out " " what why " " I want to see what she will do " he nods and comes over and unties me I stand up and stretch " don't do anything stupid " Dabi whispered in my ear I looked around a bit that's when I notice a window I walk over it is right next to the door all the villains got ready to stop me but I walked up to the window and looked out then I looked down and saw one of the only people that scare me re number two pro hero endeavor ( A/N this is the theory that Dabi is Touya Todoroki  ) my eyes widen and I backup a bit Dabi noticed this and came over he saw who I was looking at he looked at me he knew why I was scared of him " Dabi come here " Dabi walked over to shigiraki " why is she so scared " " a person from her past that did things to her is out there "  who is it " " endeavor "  shigiraki smirks " what are you smirking at " " I have new plans for her " I walk back and I go up to the bar " an I get a glass of water please " kurogiri hands me a glass of water I take a few sips then I realize something was in the water " what's in this " Dabi looks at shigiraki  " what did you have him put in it " " viagra " dabis eyes widen " why who do you want her to fuck " " well I wanted her to fuck you or I will strap her back up and her be horny as fuck " I take another sip of the water then figured out what it was " you put viagra in here huh " all of there eyes widen " I will take that as a yes nice try it won't work unless I take it in large doses " " damnit " I smile " what you gonna throw a tantrum cause it didn't go your way " he growled at me " who were you trying to get me to fuck " he points to Dabi " huh never would of guessed that " " Dabi ties her back up " I walk back to my chair and sit down he straps me back up when he was the walk got crashed into I moved my head to the side avoiding the flying debris.

( I am evil I will be updating soon )

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