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Your POV 

I woke up and I was wrapped in Touya's arms I loved him I watched his peaceful sleeping face he was sound asleep but he started to wake up and when I saw his beautiful turquoise eyes open I smiled and kissed his forehead he hummed to me and squeezed me tighter I giggled and I started to get up and go to the bathroom and look over my self as I walked out and I saw touya just wake up after he fell asleep again I got on a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts and went over to him he cuddled me gently he knew I was sore and he knew that he had definitely left marks on me that would hurt but i didn't know anyone better at aftercare then touya he started to gently kiss my neck and every mark he made as he carefully lifted me and took me to a bath he laid me in gently  into the tub soon getting in himself he sat behind me and gently rubbed my back and shoulders as I let out little moans of pleasure he smiled  and moved on to my head he started washing my hair and massaging my scalpe he rensed my hair and smiled at me and started to get out he gotten out and got a white fluffy towel and he wrapped it around me and carried me to the bed and sat me down went grabbed my clothes and got me dress i told him  could do it but he wouldn't let me he laid down with me and cuddled me all day he kissed over every mark he made over and over i ended up falling asleep at some point and he let  me sleep laying on his chest as he was rubbing gentle circles on my back  he soon fell asleep as well. 

Touya's POV 

I had fallen asleep and I had woken up to my baby girl moving around on my chest I looked at her and she was still peaceful sleeping I could only smile at how cute she was I looked at the clock and noticed that it was the next morning ' god I was tired ' i thought as I got up slowly and not waking f/n I went and made her breakfast she was still sleeping when I walked back in to give it to her so I went and I rubbed her head gently  " baby girl its time to wake up I have something for you " I said in a sweet voice and she stirred awake and her beautiful e/c eyes open and looked at me as she sat up and rubbed her eyes and looked back at me I handed her the food and she smiled " thank you very much Touya" she said with a grateful smile and started eating she shared a  bit with me but finished soon after we cuddled again and watched movies together for the rest of the day and we didn't do anything but spend time with each other. 

( sorry it's kinda short and sorry for not posting for a while I am really busy rn so I am trying as hard as I can to get chapters out I have been in and out of the hospital but I will be trying to post feel free to vote comment or follow me you can also dm me if you want so have a great day night or whatever it is where you are and I will see you in the next chapter bye ) 

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