Honey moon spot pt 3

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Your POV 

I was woken with a little shake I looked up and it was Touya " come on we landed "  he said in a light tone so I could wake up slowly I nodded and stretched as I rubbed my eyes I yawned and grabbed my bags and left the plane walking up the hallway and out of the gate following behind Touya to baggage claim to pick up our bigger bags as we grabbed them we rented a car and started the drive to wherever we were going we had small conversations about whatever nothing special until he pulled up to a spot that looked like a hot spring I looked to him and he just smiled " is this where we are going Touya "I asked " welcome to our honey son spot Glenwood springs " he said and as I got out of the car I looked around in awe as I looked around at the beautiful scenery before turning back to him " this is beautiful" I said he smiled " I'm glad you like it it may not be much but I know you love amusement parks and scenery and so I brought you out here" he said with and sheepish smile telling me he was being genuine i smiled back at him and then went to get my bags I grabbed them and we went inside and checked into our hotel  as we got to the room I smiled and collapsed onto the bed. 

Touya's POV 

I watched her walk in and collapse onto the bed with a smile on her face I couldn't help but chuckle at how amazingly cute and gorgeous she is but I walked over and laid down with her and brought her close to my chest cuddling her he cute squeal she made was adorable I sighed and nuzzled into her neck " baby what are you doing " she giggled " I'm cuddling you " I said and she giggled and started playing with my hair I sighed and I gave her little kisses on her collar bone she giggled again which made me chuckle  " what do you wanna do now little one" I asked she thought for a moment " I don't know what do you think " she asked " well we could go swimming or go to the amusement park or the hot springs what do you think or we could go to dinner" I said "let's go swim but not in the hot springs we will do that later "  she said and I nodded getting up and grabbing my swim trunks and started putting them on I could feel her eyes on me as I undressed " like what you see darling " I asked looking back at her and I saw he face go crimson red and shove her face into a pillow I started chuckling and continued putting them on and when I finished I went over and jumped on her she squealed and giggled " common get ready and lets go swim " I said and she nodded getting up and putting her win suit on she smiled at me and went and grabbed a towel for both of us and we went down to the hotel pool she smiled and got in and immediately was so happy I got in and we where swimming having fun with each other she swam over and koala hugged me and so I held her like that for a while and she pulled me in for a sweet kiss before pulling away and smirking and then splashed me in the face with water. 

Your POV 

I was swimming away from him as fast as I could so he wouldn't murder me he quickly caught up and splashed me 1000 times harder and more but it was fun and we ended up with me koala hugging him and cuddling sitting in the water sweet things and I can't help but love it sure I might love the sex with him but I love the sweet little passionate moments with him like this or when we cuddle or hold hands I couldn't help but smile at the thoughts " what are you smiling at " he asked " just the thought of how much I love you " I replied I could feel him smile against my neck leaving a light kiss before pulling back " common little one we have to go eat than to bed because w have a fun day ahead of us tomorrow" he said as he stood up still holding me and he walked out of the pool before setting me down and letting me dry off with him before going and grabbing fast food then off to bed. 

( Hey guys I am so sorry for thi=e wait but I have been so busy with school and other things I haven't had time to post I'm so grateful to have you all here and no I won't be ending the book anytime soon or going on break I just want you to know it may take me some time to get new chapters out because of my crazy life lol so please don't hate me and again I'm so sorry but here's one I thought was sweet feel free to vote comment or ask me question thank you and see you in the next chapter ) 

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