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Your POV 

We were still cuddling when I heard loud knocking on my door I grumble and Touya chuckled and got up to see who it was I laid there a bit longer then decided to get up and go see who it was I wrapped my arms around Touya and peeked around his arm it was recovery girl " hi deary I was wondering if you would come with me to do a final check to make sure your 100% good " she asked I smiled and nodded and went an got dressed to leave and I did I left and got an x-ray she told me I was good and I went back to cuddle with Touya. 

Touya's POV 

I was waiting for my baby girl to come back I heard the door open and close and I felt her sit and cuddle into my side I smiled at her and how cute she was I pulled her onto my lap I felt her grind down on me and I groaned feeling my self get hard I could hear a little giggle come from her so I decided to tease her and run my hand down into her pants and rub small light circles on her clit I could feel her try and push against me to he more friction I smirked and pulled my hand away and I heard her whimper I wrapped my arms around her and I laid my head on hers I knew what she wanted but I wouldnt let her have it especially after what she did at the party I knew that she wanted me to fuck her into the couch I knew she wanted me to make her scream my name and make her cum tell she couldnt anymore but I wasnt going to because she didnt desurve it she was such a tease she won't get my cock all week and I knew she would be begging me to fuck her byt the end I smirked and I continued watching tv 

Your POV 

I wanted him to fuck my senseless right now but he wouldnt I was frustrated he kept watching tv so I got up and went into the bedroom to find a vibrator but I couldn't find it and I knew he had something to do with it I sighed and went back out I could see the stupid smirk he had on I went and sat on my knees on the floor in front of Touya he looked down at me " yes baby girl " he asked, " please daddy I want you to fuck me senseless please give me your cock " I pleaded while pawing at his pants he chuckled and grabbed my hand " sorry baby but no "I whined "  no you aren't getting my cock or any pleasure for a week " my face dropped and I was so confused but I sighed and got up to sit on the couch I sat on his lap again and tried to get him to give in I  grind hard on him he starts to get annoyed with me and shoves me off of him and ignores me I whimpered and whined until he gave in " FINE " he yelled and pinned me to the couch.

( I hope you guys liked the chapter feel free to vote  follow or comment I will see you in the next chapter ) 

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