Reunited ( smut )

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When the bus arrived I got my stuff and I put it on and I went to sit in the back of the bus I fell asleep on the way there I woke up and we were there I got off and grabbed my bag I walked to the cabin and I put it near my bunk I went out to the common area and I leaned on the wall after that we ate lunch I sat at a table with Bakugou and Todoroki they sat on both sides of me like guard dogs I giggled and I hugged them both when lunch was over me and the boys day group went zip lining Bakugou went with me and Todoroki behind me when we were up on the platform I was excited Bakugou was a bit worried I looked at him when they said go I bolted off Bakugou did to it was beautiful I was a bit in front of Bakugou but I was still ahead I was sitting there looking around there would be a while tell we made it to the second platform I went upside down then back up again looking around I could see the second platform and there were people on it and they didn't look like they were going to help us I looked over too Bakugo and he looked at me Bakugou yelled at Todoroki he got here in a matter of seconds he was right behind me he was holding me and covering me when we got to the platform Todoroki slowed us down and we un clipped and I ran we were in a forest I was almost out of the forest when I was tackled I looked up and saw Dabi I smiled he kissed me " I missed you " " I missed you to baby girl " I giggled " but I very much missed this " he said grabbing my crotch " I bet you did " he covers the are around us in flames and pushed me up against a tree he practically ripped my clothes off I wasn't t cold because of the fire he undid his pants and  thrusted in " ahhh I missed this " he smirks and slams in I cover my mouth and hold in a scream/moan " don't cover your mouth or I will stop " I uncovered  my mouth and he slams in again I bit my lip to hold in another one he got mad and pulled out he dropped me and he pulled back up his pants I whimper " I told you I would stop " I grabbed my clothes and put them on he chuckled when I got up he came over to me I groan and turn away " baby don't be mad " I don't answer him " answer me "  he turned me around I looked at him " what's wrong " I still don't answer him  he grabbed my chin " whats wrong " he said in a deep demanding voice  I still don't answer him " is it because I stoped and left you horny as fuck " I turn around " listen baby I didn't mean to if it makes you feel any better I have a boner with your name on it " I turn back to him and look into his eyes he smirks and kisses me one last time before he knocks me out.

Dabi POV

I knocked her out she was horny af and so was i I picked her up and brought her to the evacuation point  I was holding her when the boys came up and tackled me and grabbed her I ran after them and I took her back and I also grabbed Bakugou to I took them both into the portal I strapped down Bakugou first I just put Y/N on the couch and let her sleep Bakugou was pissed " you traitor you are the reason Y/N is so scared about everything and she comes to us for support " my eyes widened " what do you mean " " she is terrified of a lot now especially endeavor it took her a bit to warm  up to Todoroki " I looked at her and her sleeping face and smiled. ' I feel so bad for leaving her again but it won't happen this time '

( hey hope you liked it and hopefully I will update soon )

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