The capture

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After new year's and Christmas I was a mess I was so sore I couldn't move for almost two months but now I can finally get up and move again I needed to get out so when me and Dabi were walking around we were surrounded by pro hero's Dabi bolted down a alleyway while I was tackled to the ground by the one and only endeavor he held my wrists with such strength I felt like they would break off my arms.

Dabis POV

I bolted down the dark alleyway when I looked back I saw Y/N get tackled by endeavor when I was running back to get her she looked at me as if telling me to run and I did " you take her I will get the other one " endeavor said as he started to run after me a warp gate appearedand I ran through it and I was back in the bar I let out a heavy sigh " where is Y/N " kurogiri asked " she was captured " " by who " " endeavor " " oh " " what are we going to do to get her back shigiraki " " nothing she was useless anyway " " what did you just saw about her " I growled " oh did I strike a nerve I said she is useless " " how " " she didn't go on missions all she did was lay around and have sex with you she barely did anything you know what next time you see that little slut I want you to kill her " " what the fuck did you just call her " " a SLUT " my arms lit on fire as I glared at him the rest of the league members started ganging up on him with me " all right all right how do you think we should get her back" we discussed a plan we were going to get her back again during the summer camp  sense you didn't partake in any criminal activity's you would probably be eligible to go back to U.A.

Your POV

As I was thrown into the cop car and taken into the station when I got there I saw the people I most wanted to see Todoroki Bakugo and Aizawa when they saw me they all were happy I ran to them and hugged all three they all near hugged me " I missed you so much " " we did to " they said I look up at them all " but I can't stop being a villain " " I know but you can still come to U.A you haven't done anything wrong " " thank you sensei " I hugged him " no problem kiddo " so I went back to school the next day everyone was shocked to see me but right off the bat we were back in training but this time was different this time we had to fight our teachers.

Hey guy I hope you enjoyed this and I have some fun for the next chapter but yet again school starts and so does homework but I will update as much as I can.

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