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Your POV  

I was with dabi talking and endeavor walked in I looked at him and gave a small smile he had a look in his eye I didn't like so I kept Dabi's hand in mine " dabi can you give us a minute " endeavor asked dabi looked to me then him I was looking at him with fear but I gave the nod of if you hear anything bust the door down he nodded and got up he went outside and as soon as the door shut endeavor had grabbed my face and tried to kiss me " stop " I said and he pulled back " why my kitten  " he said " well one I am dating your son and I could get you sent to jail " I said he looked at me " please " I said he had a look in his eyes that he wanted to but couldn't  he hovered over me " are you ready to be called a pedophile or a rapist an abuser " I asked he looked at me " no I'm not but I don't care " he snarled i looked at him with fear as he tried to rip my gown off i made a noise before he clamped my mouth shut but i knew dabi heard it as i heard the handle move but it was locked and he started ramming it tell it broke he walked in and endeavor was pushing in and groping my breast dabi had the cops behind him they came in and arrested endeavor while dabi had me in his arms as i was shaking i had never ben penetrated by anyone but dabi. 

Dabi's POV 

I broke through the door he had pushed in and was fucking her the cops grabbed him and arrested him as I held my baby girl in my arms she was shaking and afraid I was trying to comfort her I was kissing her head and rubbing her back but she flinched every time I touched her but it was to be expected as she was just raped she had every right to be scared she snuggled into my chest and fell asleep I let her sleep and when she had a nightmare I would calm her down and she slept pretty well. 

Your POV 

As I woke the next morning I was snuggled deep into Dabi's and his chest I smiled knowing I was safe now I felt him shift as I looked up at him as I looked into that turquoise eyes I smiled and he kissed my forehead a doctor came in and said that I had to get some tests and Xrays done because of what happened he could have hurt me more so they took me and dabi sat waiting as I came back into the room I was told I was ok but I needed to stay a bit longer to monitor me and I was ok with it because I would have someone I loved here with me and he was with me the whole time and he slept and did everything with me and I loved him with all my heart and if something were to happen it would shatter me. 

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