practical exams ( smut)

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Your POV

it was finally time for the practical exams and this year was the same as last we where fighting the teachers but i had a different partner this time ever sense i told Dabi we where back together he has been so loyal and at my side 24/7 i was happy but i had a feeling that something bad was going to happen during this exam but i didn't know what it was so on the day we where getting set up and we were ready and it was soon our fight i was up against allmight but this time i was by myself and i knew it wasn't going to be good and he wasn't going to be wearing wights this time and as i stepped into the fake city i could sense where he was i activated my quirk and my eyes glowed red as I looked around and when I heard something to my right I jumped up as he flew under me ( A/N you have wings i will explan you quirk in the next chapter ) I flew into the middle of the fake city and looked around I could see him walking and looking in every alleyway for me I smirked as I flew straight down and I put him in a head lock and tried to choke him out but he got me off and threw me into the street it made a huge explosion I got up and I ran and I was almost there and I was punched back to the middle I cried out in pain I knew i was running out so I used my demon and my eyes were a vibrant red I could see him gulp as I walked down the street he came at me and I jumped over and I bolted down to the gate and I made it through my quirk deactivated and I collapsed and passed out I was brought to recovery girl and healed once I woke up I was in a lot of pain but I looked around and I had a sleeping Dabi in my lap I stroked his head and played with his hair he had woken up at some point but he'd didn't show it and I saw his eyes open and I smiled at him he sat up and looked to me " hi " i said trying to sit up but i was in so much pain i couldnt " stay there youll hurt youself " he said worried i just nodded when recovery girl walked in " hello deary im sorry to say this but you wont make a fast recovery i did what i could but i couldn't do it all " she said sadly " I understand you did what you could and you save me from dying I greatly appreciate your help " I said with a smile " would you like me to tell you what I couldn't heal " I nodded " well you had shattered ribs so I had to take the shattered ones and replace them with rods that are stronger then bones but that's not all you had enter all bleeding but I did manage to heal that you had a huge cut on your side and after allmight punches you back into the middle of the city he had hit the same spot and it broke your hip I couldn't heal that and you Aldo had a shattered shoulder it wasn't bad enough that I had to replace it but you will have really bad scaring well more then you have" she said motioning to the scar across my face " but it won't be able to be seen unless your undressed " I nodded " thank you for saving my life none the less bit what can I and can't I do " she giggled a little and she nodded " well you will not be aloud to do training you can't do anything that involves a lot of physical active " she pointed to Dabi " and you no sex got it you can't be doing that when her hip is shattered oh yea and one more thing your leg it was also shattered so you can walk on it but be careful " I giggled at the face Dabi was making and I nodded to her " thank you " she smiled and told us we could go luckily my hip and leg were shattered on the same side so I could just use crutches but i couldn't due to my shoulder so I had to use a wheel chair Dabi pushed me back to class as we went through the door everyone looked at us I sighed Aizawa said to just have me in the front of the classroom I couldn't right because of my shoulder so he had someone right for me and he let it be Dabi so he sat next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder  and I closed my eyes and next thing I know i was being wheeled to the dorms I look up and I see Dabi " what happened " " you were so exhausted you fell asleep and now it's time to go home " he said with a smile I laid my head back and I smiled he looked down " after recovery girl said I can't fuck you that's all I want to do " I turned more red then Kirishima's hair " your so bold Dabi " he only smirked a chuckled he bent down to my ear " and if your hip wasn't shatter already I would have shattered it myself" he huskily whispered into my ear I covered my face because my face became even more red if that's even possible he only smirked as soon as we got to the dorm he put me on the bed he undressed me and he shoved his face into my now dripping cunt " dabi this isn't fair " he only groaned sending vibrations shooting pleasure through me and I moaned really loud he looked up to me giving me the I know we shouldn't do this but I'm going to look I looked to him confused but he shoved he hard dick into me I covered my mouth and let out a scream moan he gripped the sheets because he couldn't grab my hips he thrust really hard and I was screaming into my hand and he soon finished I was laying in a puddle of sweat he smirked at me " that was amazing " he said I nodded I was so tiered I almost passed out Dabi kept me awake " you need to take your meds " I nodded as he gave me the pills and I dry swallowed them and I passed out I slept really well that night.

( hi guys I hope you liked the chapter I know the smut wasn't the best  but I will do better but I hoped you liked it and the next chapter will be an important author note about your quirk )

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