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Dabi POV

Dabi could see that something was upsetting you " Baby doll what's wrong" " it's nothing " " I know it's not nothing now tell me " " I'm worried " " about what " " you going back to be a villain " " don't I won't " " what if you get captured again " " I won't I promise and f I do I will escape " she nodded cuddling into my chest I stroked her hair as she lay there she eventually fell asleep I did as well.


We slept tell lat the next day when we woke up we went out to the kitchen when I was grabbed a gloved hand came over my mouth " scream and your dead " I nod he lifted me off the ground I tried to struggle out of his grasp but he just knocked me out and when I woke up I was chained to an operating table I looked around and I tried to break the restraints but it didn't work overhaul walked in " overhaul I thought it was you what do you want " " ahh I'm glad to see your awake " I growled " what do you want " " oh simple things " like what " " for you to be mine " " No " I growled at him he looked angry now " take her to the basement " he orderd his men they came and took me to the basement and chained me to the wall I stood there when I heard the door open a lady came in she had a whip in her hand my shirt was in buttoned so the front of my sports bra was exposed she came up to me " be his so I don't have to do this " " never " she sighed and started whipping.

Dabis POV

Dabi woke up expecting to see me when he didn't he thought I was just not in the room he got up and dressed he walked out and when he didn't see me he got worried he looked every were he went to the teachers " Aizawa " he looked toward me " Y/N's gone " his eyes widen  " what how " " I don't know I was sleeping and she was gone she was cooking to but she got taken is what I suppose " he got up and we went to the staff room " a student got kidnapped " they all looked shocked and worried " who " " Y/N " all the color in there face left " guys " they all look to me " I know who took her " " who Dabi " " he goes by overhaul but his real name is Kai chisaki " there eyes widen " and I know were they are but I need all your help but I have some other friends that will help and you can't arrest " " well who " " the league " they all looked shocked " what are you crazy " " no did you noticed that they haven't do t any crimes lately " they nod " its because of her she convinced them to stop the only reason they don't come out of hiding is because they will get captured " they all looked shocked " we agree with the turns " nezu said I nod " I will be back " I said before running off to the league when I get to the base I walk in and they all look at me " Dabi what's wrong " " it's Y/N she was taken by overhaul " they all stand up " I am working with the hero's but listen they swore they wouldn't jail you all but no villainy ok " they look at each other shigaraki turned to me " we agree let's get Y/N back " I smile at them " let's go ".

I hope you enjoyed this and also I am sorry for not updating I have been working on my other story that I will give more details later.

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