joke trobles

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Your POV

After I woke up I had pains in my hip but it was to be expected since we were told not to have sex because of my shattered hip and we did it anyway but as I looked over I see Dabi looking right back at me I smiled at him he kissed my forehead and got up he brought me my pain meds and a morning-after pill so I don't get pregnant he helped me shower and get dressed he put me in my wheelchair and he pushed me to class when we got to the school recovery girl was standing there giving Dabi a glare " you two fucked didn't you " i turned bright red and dabi had a smirk on his face " how'd you know " he asked " because one you weren't being very quiet and people heard you" i turned my head to the floor " bring her to my office so i can make sure you didn't hurt her more " she sighed as she walked into the school i looked up to dabi who had a shit eatting grin on his face i shighed as he pushed me in to go into her office as we entered i was put onto the bed she did her inspection " you somehow didn't hurt her anymore that I'm surprised with one with how you thrust and second holding on what did you hold onto " she questioned " the sheets of the bed and as for how i didn't hurt her with how hard i trusted i really don't know " he answered with such ease she nodded " alright get to class he nodded and took me to class " dabi " i asked " yes baby girl " he answered " i have to go to the bathroom " he nodded and took me to the bathroom he came in and helped me get on the tolit and with my pants what i didn't know was someone had came in and took a picture of our feet under the stall when dabi brought me out to wash my hands someone walked in with a teacher dabi was holding me while i washed and he helped " and what do you think you two are doing " we heard a serious tone of a woman i looked and there stood ms joke with a student dabi turned the water off and helped my dry my hands " going to the bathroom " i answered " with each other " she snapped " no i go--- she cut me off " i don't want to hear it go to the principles office" she snapped i sighed as dabi put me back into my chair and took me to the principles office as we went in we waited as ms joke waited aizawa walked in and looked to us and gave me the look of 'what did you do' i shrugged my shoulders knowing we didnt do anything wrong as nezu walked in i was getting glared at my joke " so what happened " nezu asked looking to emi or ms joke " i had a student come to me and say there were two people in a stall as i got there these two were coming out and he was holding her looking like they just fucked " she snarled aizawa looked at me as i sat there calmly nezu looked to me " is it true that you two proticapated in intercourse in the restroom " he asked me " no its not " i answered " then what did happen " " well i had to go to the bathroom " i answered simply " why did you have him then " emi growled " because if you hadn't noticed i am injured and cant walk and cant do it myself " i answered " sure " she snapped " F/n is that true " nezu asked " yes i can't use it myself due to my shattered hip, shoulder, and leg i cant so i had dabi help me " i said plainly he nodded " wait your going to belive her " emi squeled " yes why wouldnt i " nezu asked " i don't know because she is a teenage girl and is probably faking her injuries " i groaned and rolled my eyes " i can assure you she isn't faking " nezu said " how i can you know i can probably stand her up just fine " she grabbed my hurt shoulder and stood me up i scream in pain and colapse to the floor " emi what the fuck " aizawa screams rushing to me " oh come on aizawa she is clearly faking and whats it to you isnt she just one of your students " she said " no she is my daughter " he growled as emi turned white i was in agonizing pain dabi had my head in his lap " and whos this kid " she asked pointing at dabi still white as a ghost " im her boyfriend " dabi growled if it was even posibal she turned even more white recovery girl came in " oh no what happened " she said as she came over quickly " little ms she is faking it over here grabbed her shattered shoulder stood her up on her shattered hip and leg and she colapsed her side wound started bleeding again to " dabi growled recovery girl glared at emi and healed my side wound and she took me back to her office and put me on a bed and made everyone leave as she did surgery and fixed me again but she couldn't really do much so they had to transfer me to a hospital.

Dabi's POV

when i heard she was being transferred to a hospital i was really worried she still hadn't woken up and i was scared i sat with her and aizawa in the ambulance to the hospital i held her hand as we got to the hospital she was rushed into the emergency room and put on an operating table we sat out in the waiting room she was on the table for 11 hours with them trying to fix her many people came like shoto and a few others even endeavor came as they sat in the hall and waited emi stood on the other side of the room pale as a ghost and staring at the floor " so what happened " endeavor asked " well little ms she is faking her injuries over there " dabi said pointing to emi " grabbed her shattered shoulder and stood her up on her shattered hip and leg she collapsed and all the preasure made her side wound bleed again and hurt the bones more " dabi growled endeavor looked at emi with a glare " but why do you care you asshole you abused her almost her forced to marry you and you tramitized her " dabi spat with venom in his voice " i can care for my future daughter in law cant i " he questioned " we are not engaged " dabi said he nodded his head as the doctor came out.

( Hi guys hope you are all well during this quarantine and hope my posting is helping you get through the boredom see you soon bye )

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