New years night ( smut as yoo could have guessed )

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As we got to the bedroom door he kicked the door in and he threw me on the bed and shut the door locking it as he rushed to me I prop myself up on my elbows looking at him he just smirked " Dabi " he looked at me " yes " " it hurts " his eyes widen in concern " what does show me " I pointed to my ribs " here it hurts so much "  he lifted up my shirt and saw what to be disintegrated skin and it was showing my rib bones " Y/N who did this to you " " shiga...shigiraki " " that bastard "  he grabbed me and he ran almost breaking the door everyone was still up because it was New Years " shigiraki you bastard " shigiraki turned towards us " hi so you found my little gift " " yea but did you see how bad it is " " I just gave her a little touch what do you mean " Dabi lifted my shirt to wear they could all see it " holy shit " shigiraki tried to come over to me but Dabi shot  fire at him " no ticking way pal are you coming near her " kurogiri cane over and he healed me I was realized Dabi took me back up stairs " your not getting off the hook that easy " he said with a smirk " oh you aren't either " he just chuckled as he got on top of me he decided to just burn my clothes off as he grinned into me I moan quietly he Herd and made him grind harder making me moan louder " Dabi stop teasing me " " ok doll face " in seconded he was naked and pounding into me making me scream in pleasure he was smirking as I did that he kept pounding harder and harder until we climaxed even after he climaxed he kept pounding " you aren't going to sleep tonight " all I could do was moan  he kept pounding he did that all night when it was morning I was almost passing out from overstimulation Dabi laying next to me keeping me awake " d....da...Dabi  " " what is it baby girl " " tired " " I know but be daddy's good girl and stay awake for me ok " I nodded " good girl " he said starting to rub gently on my clit " ahhhh " " when your a good girl for daddy he will reward you " he said as he got down in between my legs as I felt his tongue lick across my slit I bucked my hips against his face he let is happen and he started to devour his little treat he was having I felt his tongue enter me and he started to tongue duck me " ahhh ohh Dabi " I moaned his name and i grabbed his hair  he just let me hump his face letting me get my pleasure soon I  cummed  and he lapped it all up he sucked on my entrance milking me like a hummingbird sucking it's nectar he sucked and sucked tell nothing was left he pulled away " suck a good girl " he looked into my tired  eyes  and smiled he got me dressed and he carried me to the main area of the base " Y/N you look like shit Dabi what did you do to her " " I may have overstimulated her a little bit " " a little she looks like she is going to pass out " " good " he sat on the couch and he laying on him he holding my ass and lower back " you can sleep baby girl " he whispered into my ear and I immediately passed out " what did you just tell her " " I told her she could go to sleep ".

I know it's after New Years but I was busy I hope you liked it.

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