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Your POV 

I was laying in bed after five continues days of fucking I am worn out but satisfied dabi was next to me panting because we just finished our last round but fuck was that good anyway we have school next week and dad I have a feeling is going to ask questions so when we packed and left as I walked up to my front door I was covered in bruises and bite marks and burns of handprints I am sore but thank god I had all weekend to recover as I stepped into my front door my dad was sitting there waiting he stood up and came over to me and looked me over he grabbed my hips and I winced he grabbed my wrist and I winced he looked to my neck and saw a handprint he smirked " and that signifies good fucking " he said as I blushed bright red probably the color of Kirishima's hair I went upstairs and got some well-needed sleep. 

Dabi's POV

As I went home I walked past the old LOV hideout so I decided to stop by and say hi and as I stepped in I saw everyone they smiled at me " hi dabi how are you " shigaraki asked " not too bad how about you crusty " I replied and he chuckled at his old nickname " I'm good but where is F/n "  he asked " well we just spent a week fucking so her dad is probably done with her so she will probably be sleeping because she did none of that " I smirked while saying that he nodded but then snapped back to him " what do you mean her dad and that he is probably done with her does she get raped " he said " what no I meant talking to her he is pretty blunt and for her dad, Aizawa or eraser head adopted her "I statted as he nodded " well I should get going but I will bring her by next time " I said and left as I was walking the streets and then a flameing sack of shit came walking towards me he stopped " touya " he said " endeavor " I replied walking past him " so no hi dad or I missed you, dad " he asked " no and you will never get that especally after you raped my girlfriend " i snarled  and left him there. 

( time skip still Dabi's POV )

I stepped into my dorm and laid down and took a nap and when I woke up it was the next day I sighed and got up I saw my baby girl and went up and put my head in the crook of her neck and hugged her from behind she giggled as she looked at me " hi Touya " she greeted " hi baby girl " I replied as I touched her hips she winced and I stopped and I dragged her to my room and I pulled her shirt off looking at all the bruises and bite marks but the thing that got me was the burns I sighed and I looked up and saw her neck and saw the same bruises but there was a handprint but it luckily wasn't burned on just bruised " you should have stopped me " I said " but I didn't for a reason " she said and I looked to her "I enjoyed it being roughed up " she said and I smiled and treated her burns we went back out and I made her food and he sat and cuddled watching movies all day.  

Your POV 

I was in school when dad started talking and bout a thing like a work-study but different we where being sent to an island  and running our own agency all of class 1A went and we did things like helping with groceries or just needing help one day I responded to a call about a missing boy so when I got there I was scolded by a girl but her brother came down I sighed " alright well you may feel that way but if it isn't real don't call because have you heard of the story of the boy who cried wolf " I said she looked at me and shook her head and I told her the story and she understood and I didn't see them again till a few days later when I got a call from them and there was someone after the at there house so when I got there I saw a villain that looked like All For One but younger and not damaged he looked at me as I saw the kids when he was distracted they ran i sighed as i was walking over " you distracted me " he said looking where the kids where " i did indeed " i said he looked at me curiously " you are different why " he asked " well i'm not like normal heros " i said " and why is that " he asked " because im a demon " i said as my eyes flashed red " thats a nice quirk " he said i nodded and walked infront of him " so how will this end " i asked " well probably with you dead or siverly injured which ever i decide " i nodded and hummed as i used my quirk and was behind him before he could blink " you might not want to do that " i whispered and dissapeared his eyes widen and i am back where i was " i have speed that no one will ever " i said with a smile as i knew i could go at moc 20 he smiled " why do you want the kid " i asked he looked surprised " why would i tell you " i shrugged as he was getting in a fighting position i laughed he raised a brow as i got downhe used his lightning and i shot at him he used a sheild he used a huge lightning bolt and i was broken but when i used my quirk i was fine i  got up and looked at him and started flying he looked at me with respect but he was not going to give up that easly he rapidly attacked me but even though i was hurt i hurt him and he retreated and i was left almost dead but the kids got help from bakugou he saw me and the kids explaned what happned and he carried me to where every one else was and where trying to heal me but then the boy came in he healed me as i woke up i looked and saw touya i smiled he sighed in relife he kissed my head " get momo in here " she came in " i need you to make a high speed drone and put a massege on it and get it to keigo takami " she nodded and made it and sent it out and it soon reached him but it would be to late when he got here they put all the people that lived on the island in a cave as they where there nine was coming back with his gang two split off going to the side and he went down the middle coming towards me as he reached me he stopped the kids where behind me hiding with a couple others he looked at me " you need him to live " i said he looked surprised but nodded as he came at me head on after the impact i was on the ground  and the kids behind me hiding behind a rock i got up and wheni stood infront of them " run " i yelled at them and they did he and i fought tell i blew him out of here i have no clue where he ended up but i was passed out on the ground almost dead but not yet. 

Hawks POV 

as soon as I got the message I was at U.A and heading to the island when I got there I saw Touya todoroki holding F/n crying I rushed over " is she still breathing " I asked he nodded and I sighed he looked down and set her down and the other heroes showed up Aizawa was here in no time and all might Aizawa was holding her close and all might looked around the area as I went to help with the rescue.  

Aizawa's POV 

As I showed up I saw hawks and dabi huddled around someone and when I saw who it was I rushed over it was my daughter I looked her over and she looked close to death but she wasn't going to die all might came over as well and I knew why. 

Dabi's POV 

when I saw F/n  on the ground I rushed over and she was unconscious but still alive I started crying because she was so badly hurt hawks showed up and he was making sure she was ok then her dad and all might show up and he went and helped with the rescue work as I sat there and I was shattered. 

( Hi guys i hoped you liked the chapter and i know it was a lot I hoped you liked it and i will update soon thank you so much for 9.7k reads and I hope you like the book feel free to vote comment or ask any questions you may have or just say hi. but bye ) 

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