Christmas ( smut)

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I woke up and it was Christmas Eve and I was happy to see my lovely boyfriend next to me I gently stroked his fluffy black hair and put a little kiss on his head I then got up and went downstairs I was the first one up so I could make breakfast I got into the kitchen and I started making pancakes by the time I was done everyone was awake I brought them out and everyone looked at me I see them down and everyone took a bite and all there eyes lit up I giggled a bit that all looked at me with complete and utter shock " sense when can you cook this good " " I always have I just don't very often " dabi smiles at me got up and came over to me he went behind me and he wrapped his arms around me his hands went lower and lower luckily the table edge was covering from my hips down " not here " I whispered to him he didn't seem to care and he continued shigiraki seemed to catch on " Dabi not here you can please her later and not around all of us just wait tell tonight then you can fuck her senseless tell morning I don't care but you have to wait ok " Dabi sighed in frustration and he stoped " you hear that I am going to fuck you sensless tell morning and you won't be  walking for a week " he whispered in my ear " thank shigiraki for giving him the idea " " no problem " he said with a evil smile I rolled my eyes and I started to gather all the empty plates I started washing them when kurogiri came in and insisted he do it I let him I walked back out and went up to change clothes I did and I went and sat on a pile of wood I had no clue were Dabi went but I wasn't to worried I ended up falling asleep and soon it was night Dabi had me sleeping on him.

Dabi POV

When I came back I saw my sweet baby girl asleep on the stack of wood in the common area so I got up there with her I lifted her up sat her in my lap and her head on my chest when I got back it was like 12:30 she slept tell 5:00 while she was sleeping the rest of the members were decorating the place for Christmas for her.

Your POV

When I woke up I looked up at Dabi he smiled down to me I looked around and saw a bunch of Christmas decorations I smiled at the sight I sat up and Dabi rested his head on my shoulder " when did all this happed and why " " while you were asleep we decorated and stuff for you because we know you like this kind of thing " " thanks guys "  they all smiled with me as I looked at Dabi he kissed me " it's gitting late we should go up to the room " he said with a smirk " no not yet " his smirk disappeared I giggled a little bit " I am going to make you scream my name all night to the point were no one will be sleeping especially you baby girl " he whispered that in my ear in a husky voice " get your sleep now because you will be doing none of that later " " oh no " I whispered and he herd it he licked the outer rim of my ear I shivered " at 9:00 we are going up " I nodded then before I knew it it was 9:00 Dabi gave me the look and we got up " have fun you two " that's all I herd before I went up stairs Dabi behind me he picked me up and he quickly brought us to the room he threw me on the bed he started gently rubbing circles on my inner thigh I moved his hand tell it was at the rim of my shorts when he pulled away " don't think I will start pleasing you right away sense you did what you did this morning and refused to come up your in for punishment " then punish me " " not yet " " what are you afraid " " don't think I won't destroy that little pussy of yours and remember you asked for this you won't be walking properly for a few days " he then yanked my clothes off and started fingering me he was pumping in and out hard and faster with every thrust harder and harder faster and faster getting me closer and closer to my climax he kept pumping when I was about to cum and stoped and pulled them out " Dabi you fucking asshole " " beg " " for what " " to cum " " Dabi please let me cum I can't take it please daddy " at the last word I covered my mouth and my eyes widened he just smirked " call me that again " " daddy " " again baby girl again " " come on daddy fuck me tell you are content let load after load into me " he thrust his fingers in harder I cummed immediately he smirked at that he pulled them out and put them up to his mouth " you taste so good baby girl " he lined up with my entrance and pushed in I moan out loud as he smashes into me each thrust was faster and harder by the time it was morning he had cummed 12 times and I 15 I was so tired but I was still awake Dabi had to carry me down stairs I was so tired I almost fell asleep on Dabi he kept me awake he set me down everyone was looking at me I had bruises all over me and I looked horrible I was handed a gift by everyone I looked at them " thank you all " I opened them all I got clothes earrings and I had to open dabis now I opened it and it was a beautiful black dimond necklace I looked at him and I hugged him " thank you Dabi " " your welcome but you can sleep now " I close my eyes and I am out they all chuckled " what did you do to her " " I fucked her all night " " well no duh I mean the bruises " " oh I just marked her " he looked down at me and kissed my head I snuggled up to him trying to get more warmth he warmed me up I slept all day until like five I got woken up Dabi was holding me " Merry Christmas baby" " merry christmas daddy i mean dabi " i giggled and he chickled i snuggled into him.

Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah merry Kwanzaa everyone I hope you have a wonderful holiday and hoped you liked this chapter.


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