The decision ( little smut )

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When I woke up I looked around and I was on a bed I heard voices in the distance but I didn't mind it I went back to sleep sometime in the night bakugou escaped I woke up and I felt warmth against my back I turned to see my lovely boyfriend Dabi I smiled at him when his beautiful turquoise eyes opened I kissed his forehead he leaned in closer and kissed my lips he slowly got on top of me while still kissing me he rubbed his knee against my clit and I moaned a little he smiled and did it again I made the same sound he smirked and got off " you are an asshole I hope you know that " " but you love this asshole " " yes I do " I smiled he reached around and grabbed my ass I just smiled I got up and went out the door he followed after me I went out and saw shigaraki he looked at me and he smiled " why hello Y/N " I nodded to him I went to the bar and I got a drink I sat with dabi he brought me on his lap I leaned against his chest he heldmy head he kissed my head me and him were happy " we cant be togather " " why not " " because you havent joined the lueage " " fine then i will join " " i am glad to hear " i was happier being a villain i came out of our room one day and there was a guy with what looked to be a plueage mask on he looked towards me and looked me up and down i walked over to dabi and he wraped his arm around me and kissed me i smiled then i looked towards shigaraki who was talking to the guy " Y/N this is overhaul he will be partnering with us and he will be taking one person from our team for a week " i nooded he looked back to overhaul " who would you like to take " " how about ths little doll right hear " he looked at me " hell no " dabi said with anger i looked at him " and why not " " because she is my girlfriend " shigaraki lookded at me as if t say go i walked over " ok fine i will go " stood next to him he slapped my ass and i glared at him he smirked and pulled me closer i felt his finger brush over my clit teasingly i growled lowly at him he just chukled then i felt him press i grabbed his wrist and held it up " dont fucking touch me " " now thats a girl i like i dont need to take anyone " " what Y/N what did you do " " nothing " " she didn't do anything she just protected herself from being harassed i like her you can go back and stand " i walked back over to dabi he growled i giggled he grabbed my wrist and dragged me away he practicaly threw me in and on the bed " were did he touch you " " places dabi " he tore my clothes off " did he touch you here " as he nipped hard right above my nipple " no lower " " show me point them out " " my ass my clit and my sides " he went in between my legs and took my clit inbetween his lips and started to suck " hmmmmm " that is when i herd a thump and giggles out the door dabi herd it to he left me and went out then i herd running i giggled i was laying there with my eyes closed then i felt him again when i opened my eyes expecting to see dabi but when i looked down i saw a light blue mop of hair i mentally freaked out then when i herd the door open again " what the hell " i try and shut my legs but i cant that is when dabi walked around the corner and he saw shigaraki he came over and got him off me he threw him out and locked the door i had my legs pulled to my chest dabi came back over and he held me " i need to take back what is mine " he said with a smirk he laid me back down and he started sucking again but this time harder " haaaah dabi oh my god " he chuckles and sits up and he starts thrusting in i was in pleasure because he was going so hard when he gave his last big thrust i was panting like a dog at that point he looked at me and he smiled softly he picked me up and got me dressed he helped me walk out i sat and he sat with me and held me when i got yanked from him I hit the floor with a large thud when I saw who threw me I noticed it was dabis ex.

I am so sorry for not updating please understand I was busy and I was also with holidays I will post a Christmas post .

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