Toga's lunch

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As I sat there shocked after Dabi kisses my forehead it was togas turn to make lunch that day I didn't know because I was locked in a cell I sat reading most of the day.
Dabi's POV
I walked out to see what the psycho was cooking it looked to be a soup of some sort I thought nothing of it as I did my routine I did every day as I walked in to were she was and I saw the food I wasn't in any mean in the mood to argue so I took the bowl of what was supposed to be soup I gulped it down and I finished it she pushed another bowl towards me " it's for [ Y/N ] not you " I nod and I get up and I bring it to her not even thinking that there could be something wrong with it I walked into her cell and I set it down in front of her " if you think I can put this on my mouth without puking you are out of you god damn fucking mind " she said " just fucking gulp it " she sighed took two gulps and started coughing back up ' thank god none of that got on me or I would blast her to a better place ' I thought then I looked at what she Coughed up and I saw red deep red it was green no red in it and there were chunks that were to vegetables the I saw what they were little shares of metal and glass my eyes shot to her she was coughing up blood and couldn't stop there was blood all over her her lips were stained red and she was clinching her throat " oh my god " she said in between coughs I rushed to her stood her up I was getting all bloody but I could care less I set her down " kurogiri get a doctor " " Dabi what happened did that brat attack you your covered in blood " he herd toga giggle and he lifted her by her throat and I burned her when I dropped her she ran kurogiri got a doctor and I was all healed I was passed out in bed for a few days Dabi day at my side tell I woke up.

Your POV

I woke up and I saw Dabi I smiled he saw I was awake and came over and help me close I rested my head on his chest and it was just like the old times I smiled up at him and kissed him he kisses back I smile at him and I fall asleep against him again.

I know this is another short chapter I am sorry again I was busy and the next chapter is going to be good.

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