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After Aizawa told me I was like a daughter to him he adopted me and I moved in with him he was like a father to me now and with the up coming summer camp he was worried because I was considered a villain and that I was apart of the league and Dabi was my boyfriend " I want you to get Dabi to the hero side "  " I will try " we start loading the bus Todoroki and Bakugo were at my sides squishing me between them I ended up falling asleep on them I slept tell we were there I got off the bus and I was watched like a hawk the boys at my side and Aizawa with me as well I was told to sleep with the boys I didn't mind we slept hard but what I didn't know was Dabi was watching through the window making sure they didn't do anything to me he also liked to watch me sleep with such a relaxing face

Dabi POV

I was watching my baby girl sleep when I felt a hand grab my shoulder I turn and I noticed it was Aizawa I backed up " don't worry I won't tell but I want you to know that is my daughter and I want her to be happy and I can tell you make her but if you want to keep her you must join the hero side " " I would sit but if I do that your daughter would be at risk " " how " " the league if we both leave will come after me and sense I will be with her it just puts her at risk " " well then let those two boys in there have her sense you won't those two love her more then life it self " " no way in hell " " then join us and you can be with her and protect her " I sighed  " ok fine but don't tell her I'm here yet I will surprise her tomorrow " " well those two won't leave her unattended for long " " can you get her away " " yes I can " we discussed a plan and put it into action in the morning 

Your POV

When I woke up I went outside and Aizawa told me to go up the mountain so I did I walked up and when I got up there I sat down I herd someone coming and I looked to see who it was and I saw Dabi he came in front of me I jumped into his arms he spun me around " wait how are you here you'll be seen " " your father and I made a deal and I am all yours " I was so happy I was crying he kissed me and I buried my head into the crook of his neck he chuckled rubbing my head he carried my down the hill and back to the camp the boys started charging at us but when they see me they stop Dabi put his finger to his lips and signaled that I was sleeping he walked up to Aizawa " just carry her around " he whispered he nodded and he held me close and walked around with me when I woke up I just stayed laying on Dabi he kissed the top of my head " Dabi " " yes " " what about the league " " well we'll figure that out when the time comes ok " I nodded and I payed my head back down he set me down and it was time for zip lining me and Dabi were partners we got on the platform and when we could go we took off we were flying like birds we were happy and the rest of the camp went great we got back to the school and we were back in classes and I was so happy that Dabi was with me but he might go back but I hope not.

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