The truth

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I looked up at her Dabi was glaring at her I was clutching my shoulder that was cut and bleeding " Dabi bear " " what do you want Ella " " whaat do you mean baby " " don't call me that I dated you for to days and I broke up with you because you are annoying a brat and menu other things I have a baby and it isn't you " " how could you and who would this baby be " " why do you want to know " " because the bitch still my man and I am going to kill her " " no your not " he looked at me and saw the pain in my face and that I was holding my shoulder he got up and came over to me he looked at my wound it looked like I was stabbed he looked around and saw what I was hit with he picked it up and he put it in his waist band he picked me up I looked over to the girl and I saw that she was about to come after us when she moved I grabbed the knife that Dabi put in his waist band and I pointed it at her when she got close to us " if you move you die " " ohh hi am so scared I am going to get stabbed " " think I won't " " you don't have the guts " " dabi put me down " " you really shouldn't have provoked her and none of us are going to help you " the girl just rolled her eyes and got into a fighting position I could hear all the members start whispering about how the girl was going to die she charged at me I stabbed her in the side she screamed and backed away I charged at her and I started beating her up until she grabbed my shoulder and dug her fingers into my wound I frites and stabbed her again she dropped to the floor in defeat I only chuckled " throw her out of here " spinner and compress were about to throw her out when " what if she tells were are hide out is " " then kill her " overhaul was impressed he walked over to the girl " it wasn't a pleasure to meet you " is all she said then she exploded into a bunch of blood I collapsed and Dabi caught me he took me and he picked me up and took me to the room he stitched me up and he laid with me until I woke up " Dabi " " yes baby girl"  " do you still love me or am I just a play thing " I looked at him he was looking at me with worry and sadness " no baby girl I love you so much why would think you are just a plaything " " I have been told by a few people " he kisses all over my face and he practically squished me into his chest and that is The truth.

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