The plan gone wrong

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" how is this perfect " " because if Y/N and Dabi fall in love then we will force her to join her or she will have Dabi break her heart " " what no I will not do that "  " then what do you propose " he walked off coming to my cell he grabbed my arm and dragged me out to the main area and throws me on the ground it to get up but he grabs the nape of my neck and holds me down " get the fuck off me you asshole " " is this better shigiraki " " what are you going to do " " did you hear me I said get off me " he still ignored me my eyes turn red he I shove him off me he flies into the couch " I told you to get off me " I looked around and saw all the villains ready to fight " this is going to be fun " one of them tushes at me I throw them across the room Dabi had gotten up and grabbed my wrist  and threw me back in my cell I crawled to the bed and I fell asleep when I woke up to a Waugh's on me I saw shigiraki tying me down he started to strip me when Dabi came in he saw me and he ran and threw shigiraki off me he put my clothes on and he ran out with me then the hero's busted in he rushed to them they noticed Dabi had me " no don't he saved me " they helped us to the school when we arrived I saw azaiwa we bowed to him I stood up straight he pulled me into an embrace I hugged him back  he smiled and pulled away " I missed you " I smile  he leads us inside to the class room when I walked in I was tackled by Bakugo in a hug " I missed you so much " " same " I stood up then next was Todoroki " I  missed you to Todoroki " I went and sat Dabi was happy with the reaction that the class gave.

Dabi POV 

When we walked in Y/N was tackled by to boys Bakugou and Todoroki I smiled at the reaction my brother gave to her she smiled back at me and went to sit I went with her we sat for the rest of the class when we went to the dorm her stuff was there we shared a room I loved it we went to bed almost immediately we huddled together I fell asleep with her  in my arms.

Your POV
( time skip )

It had been a few months it was now summer Dabi was taken and went back to being a villain again it really didn't bother me to much but we had a bit off  I was sleeping for most of it then we went off to a new summer camp.

( sorry for not updating I was busy with school we have placement testing and a big math test so I have been studying hope you liked it )

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