Honeymoon p.5 SMUT

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Your POV 

after we finished lunch we decided it was time to hear back to the hotel but I didn't know Touya had other plans for then we got back as we hopped back on the gondola he grabbed my waist and we sat cuddling watching the scenery as we descended down the canyon side back to the ground we watched as birds flew above in the slight breeze that there was today and we watched as cars drove by until we reached the bottom our conversations being about stupid little things that we ended up laughing so hard about but as we stepped off we walked back to the hotel room and the second we stepped in and the door shut I was immediately pushed up against it staring deeply into lustful turquoise eyes I could hear what sounded like a growl come out of his chest " are you gonna fuck me big boy or just sit there and growl at me" I said I knew this most likely wasn't the smartest idea because I knew I was already gonna be screaming all night but this I think made it worse he's eyes changed from seductive to primal and he smashed his lips into mine as he ground his hips up into mine against the door causing me to moan " oh I'm going to do more then just fuck you love" he growled " i am going to make you cum fo many times you'll be squirting on me and by the end you will me a twitching and whimpering mess" he said in my ear as he ground his hips up into mine again and i could feel my panties soak more then they already were holy shit this man will be the death of me he threw me onto the bed ripping off my shirt and pants leaving me in nothing but my panties and bra he gentaly ran his fingers up my clothed slit " your so wet already for me baby whats got you all wound up did me telling you what im going to do to you get you this wet" he asked in a teasing tone all i could do was whimper at him and he chuckled " ill take that as a yes " he took off my panties and bra and sat back looking at his canvas as if trying to plan what to do first before he doev down to my neck and started biting and sucking going down to my nipples leaving a trail of  bruises and bite marks in his path he took one of my nipples into his mouth and started sucking and tongueing at it before gentally bitting it and i arched into him before he repeated on the other and i couldn't help the moan that slipped out " you like that baby " he said in a husky voice all i could do was nod and whine at him as he got increasingly close to my core my hands instinctively reached down and gripped his hair he only chuckled before he dove in like he was eating the best meal of his life and to me it felt like heaven i arched off the bed as his tongue peircing came into contact with my clit the cold metal setting me off " touya when did you put your tongue piercing in " i moaned he chuckled and pulled away a little " you like that little one " he asked " mhmmmmm" i moan out " i put it is shortly after lunch and i kept it hidden for this " he said before diving back in " oh my god yesssss " i moan out as his tongue dipped inside of be and he started tongue fucking me and fucking god did it feel good grinding into his face my eyes rolled to the back of my head he hummed at me i could feel him smirk against my core as he continued his assalt on my dripping core " im gonna cum touya please dont stop" i practically screamed he gripped my hips tighter and he continued i lurched forward spilling into his mouth he moans and lapped up all of my juices i came down from my high to see him crawling back up my body as he ceresses my sides i come down from my high " holy shit that was amazing" i said breathing heavily " we are barely starting little one" he said and my eyes went wide and he raised my hips and slammed into me and was off to the races I could feel his cock throb as he went harder " jesus fuck touya " I all but screamed at him as I came for the second time I could hear him groan as I clenched around home before he flipped me into a spooning position and started again he grabbed my thih and held it up as he pounded into my pussy like an animal with his free hand he reached around to my front and started rubbing my clit " holy shit " I moaned out as I gripped the sheets hard " oh yea you like that huh are you my dirty little girl are you my good little slut" he husked into my ear " yes touya yes " I cried " yes what love you need to be more specific " he teased " yes touya I'm your good little slut" not hesitating with my answer " good girl baby good girl" he moaned into my ear and it sent me over the edge for a third time I screamed and reached back grabbing his hair and pulling he groaned out in pure pleasure he pulled out for a split second before getting into a scissoring positions and started his assalt again " touya I cant take much more " I plead out to him " I know you can baby you are such a good girl for me " he said and all I could do was nod as intese pleasure waves washe over me from the new position as my clit was getting friction as well as him thrusting it was almost to much key word almost " holy shit please don't stop touya" I plead to him and I gripped the sheets " don't worry beautiful I wouldn't dream of it" he moaned out as his head fell back. 

Touya's POV 

Holy shit she felt amazing she was like a drug and I am so fucking addicted I threw my head back and let out a moan which I could tell she loved and I pressed down on her lower stomach feeling myself hitting deep she let out a loud moan as it boosted her pleasure immensely " oh baby we arent leaving this bed till sunrise " I moaned out and she just whimpered as she clenched down again as he fourth orgasm hit her and this one was hard and as she clenched it brought my release right with it as I faltered almost collapsing at how hard I came but her greedy little pussy milked me for all I'm worth and I almost collapsed on top of her as I went to my elbows " holy shit that was the best orgasm I have ever had" I told her and she just whined in response as i rubbed her clit to drag her high out she did exactly what i wanted to have happen tonight and she squirted all over me and the sheets below she blushed hard with a little whine but she was all woozy from her high that she barely cared at this moment in time but i knew i would make this happen again one day and next time will be on my tongue she hummed at me as I started kissing her neck again looking at the clock I realized we had been at it and switching positions for a while around 5 hours holy shit I'm gonna give her one final round and Im gonna make sure she loves it as i crawled back on top of her she seemed to come back and watch my every move as i pushed in she let out a sweet moan and i sighed as i slowly started to rock my hips against hers and trusted into her had a nice steady pace this wasn't fucking this was me making love to her and i knew after tonight we would make love a lot more because this is amazing nothing but pure love and passion as we slowly ground against each other letting out small whimpers and whines and moans we couldn't stop. 

Y/n's POV 

as we rocked against each other i knew this wasn't like any other time we fucked this was us making love to each other nothing primal or kinky about it just passion and love and if I'm honest i love it and i wouldn't want it to be anyone else as we gentally rocked i didn't know how long it had been we reached a peaceful amazing high and once we came down we continued to rock but not for pleaser rust for the feeling of being connected and we fell asleep like that happy as all get out and knowing this night would be in our minds forever. 


( IMPORTANT hey guys I'm so sorry i haven't updated i was so busy and covid is crazy where i am right now and school has been crazy i hope you liked this chapter i think this might be the last of the honeymoon chapters but we will see I'm so glad you all have liked it so far and i hope you continue to i also think i am going tostart one the other book of this series where instead of dabi it would be todoroki and bakugo after the first time dabi left and joined the league or something around there i have been asked to do it before and i just haven't had the time to yet but comment and let me know what you think about it and I'm so glad to be able to get this out i cant guarantee when the next update will be but hopefully soon feel free to comment vote or follow me check out any of the other books have and i hope you enjoyed this and ill see you in the next one) 

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