snapped ( SMUT )

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he finally snapped I was pinned against the couch he got up threw me on the bed he ripped my pants and underwear off and started eating me out aggressively he started growling against me " your mine little girl " he said his growl was so primal it sounded like a wolf he nipped my thigh and I jumped he chuckled "I love the way you jump when I bite your thighs " he chuckled and slurped against me " I'm your daddy and your my baby girl and that will never change " he whispered his tongue was so deep in me I whimpered "I know baby girl daddy has a big tongue I know " he growled he kept growling and it was sending vibrations into me " the sight of you playing with your tits with my tongue deep inside you drives me crazy little one " he said in his seductive monotone voice I moaned " do you want to be mine baby girl do you belong to me do you want that baby " I moaned out as a reply he chuckled "you're going to have to use your words baby girl " he said " yessss daddy I want that " i moaned out " fuck i love you " he growled out as he sucked on my clit " i love your body fuck the way you taste the way you spread form me god i love your pussy lips in my mouth its like cristmas morning " he growled out and kissed and sucked " your little cunt belongs to me this cunt is my property who does this belong to" he asked i whimper " you daddy it belongs to you " i said " if this cunt belongs to me the you will cum for me you will cum on my mouth is that understood " he growled " yes daddy" he started growling lounder " do you feel that daddy's growls vibrating through you little cunt your mine MINE " he growled louder " you will cum for me in 10...................9...............8.............7...................6...................5.............4.........3.......2....1 are you going to come for me " he growled i moaned " 0 COME FOR ME COME FOR ME COME COME COME "  he growled against me and i came hard " dont you fucking stop dont you fucking stop " he growled and i kept cumming and cumming and when my orgasm slowed to a stop " you came for me baby girl  you came for me " he said in a sweet voice i was panting hard he whispered things in my ear " im going to fuck my baby into you little one with my thick white daddy cum " he growled " do you want that baby do you want daddys cum do you want to feel the heat of my cum in your cunt you want my baby " he growl getting inbetween my legs and kissed me i could taste myself on his lips as he sliped into me " even wet your still so fucking tight for me baby girl " he growled and thrusted slowly he kissed me and moaned into the kiss and started growling again he thrusted faster " do you like daddy cock baby girl " he said you could hear the squelching of my cunt when he thrust " do you hear how wet you are baby girl " he growled again into my ear " im going to cum so deep into you you wont walk right for months " he said and growled again  and thrusted harder and faster pounding me into the matress he had my legs over his shoulders " you going to be daddys good girl and cum on daddys cock " he asked " oh my fucking god i can feel it building i can feel your little orgasm building cum for me baby girl and dont you dare fucking hold back "   he growled and pounded me harder he kept pleading for my to cum on his cock " i can feel how close you are your so fucking tight " he pleaded " you gonna cum you gonna cum do it baby cum on daddys cock " and i did " awww fucking god dont stop please dont stop you feel so good " he moaned he growled my eyes rolled into the back of my head " your gonna come for me again ok baby " he said  " but your gonna cum again is that understood i know you want to be my good girl " he was so close he went harder " CUM FOR ME CUM FOR ME CUM CUM CUM CUM " and i did i came harder then last he slowed down and pushed in and out slowly " i am gonna cum so hard in you love it when daddy claims you if you love it so much then fuck back at me baby " he went hard and fast again and growled louder then before " do you want my cum baby do you want it fuck im gonna cum say it say you want my cum " " i want your cum daddy " i cried out again and i felt it i felt his cum his thick hot cum in me " FUCK " he growled he kept thrusting after a couple seconds " fuck im still cumming fuck " he said he was still thrusting he slowed down and stopped but didnt pull out yet he kept growling and i slowly fell asleep. 

( hi guys I hoped you liked this chapter feel free to vote comment follow or something like that I hope you liked it and see you in the next chapter. ) 

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