Honeymoon pt 4

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your POV

I woke up to see the face of my new husband he was still sleeping peacefully and so I just watched admiring his beauty before he woke and as if on questions he woke up and looked me in the eyes and smiled and kissed my nose which I returned and kissed him he chuckled with his very husky and sexy morning voice " good morning " he said and I almost had an orgasm right there I let my eyes roll back at his voice and mumbled out " morning " he looked over at me and smirked " does someone have a voice kink or do you just like my morning voice" he husked in my ear " mmmm don't be and ass Touya " I whined out as he laughed " don't worry love I will take care of you later, for now, we need to get ready for the day" he said getting up I groaned and he only chuckled at my response and picked me up taking me to the bath and stripping me and putting me in the tub and climbing in with me. 

time skip cause I'm a little lazy 

we had gotten dressed after the bath and we started to head out of the hotel room " Touya where are we going" I asked he looked at me with a sly smile "it's a surprise " and I groaned at him because he knows I hate it when he says that he leads me out and around and to a gondola he got the bands and we started up the mountain in the compartment as we defended I was looking around at the scenery more than where we are going as we reached the top I gasped at the sight of the coaster going down the mountain and I looked at Touya " surprise " he did and I giggled and kissed him because he knew how much I loved the theme and amusement parks we stepped off the gondola and onto the ground and walked into the western-themed adventure park and a smile was now permanently engraved on my face as I looked at Touya he smiled at me and gestured me to walk in. 

Your POV 

walking around trying to find what to do first as I happily walked around with Touya hands intertwined I saw the coaster that went down the mountain and I dragged Touya to it wanting it to be the first ride we did he chuckle at my enthusiasm as we waited for it to be our turn in the small line he asked " do you like being here I know it really isn't ideal for a honeymoon but I didn't want to do something that would just be simple like going somewhere with a lot of people " he said " yes I love it I can't be happier it's so beautiful here and I'm so happy that I'm with you cause I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than with you " I said smiling  and after saying that it was our turn we went in and sat in the cart and got strapped in as I waited for them to tell me to go they went through there safety speech and said when the light turns green to go and not to stop on the tracks and then the light turned green and off I went zooming down the track touya behind me down the turns and around the bends down the mountain with the beautiful scenery and all the green forest around us and we soon made it to the bottom where they had a little shed with a red and green light to help space people out as I waited I heard touya pull up behind me as I turned and smiled at him we laughed at each others hair and we were soon put on the chain hill to pull up back to the top we talked even though we had space between us and as soon as we got to the top we looked at the photo that was taken of each other and we laughed at our faces and ended up walking down to find something else touya found a ride called the mine drop and wanted to go so we went and waited in the line and we were the only two going when it was our turn we went in and sat down after putting our lose articles in the baskets  and they played the theme of the ride and soon the room when dark we waited and all of a sudden we heard a boom and we dropped me screaming like a sissy and touya letting out a short gah and we soon reached the bottom where we sat breathing heavy from the drop and we sat there waiting for them to bring us back up and soon they did and we where sat back up and as we got off we brabbed our things leaving and heading back up the hill and we stopped at a ride called the canyon swing it swung back and forward over the edge of the canyon we smiled at each other and went to do it no one was in line so we where getting on right away we sat and held hands as the ride started we swung out and were looking straight down the canyon at the road below we both screamed and then laughed as the ride kept going swinging out a few more times before stopping we where just giggling and we got off and decided to go get lunch and eat. 

Touya's POV 

we had just got up to the lunch building and sat down to eat while looking out over the valley and getting our food and started eating I watched him eat with the big amazing smile she has had on her face since we walked into the park and I knew I was right about marrying her she is the light of my life and I couldn't imagine myself anywhere different.  

A/N hey guys I am so sorry I haven't updated this book in so long I have been so busy like really busy and then school started as well thank you for being patient I will try my hardest to not keep you waiting so long this time but I can guarantee anything I hope you like this feel free to comment vote or anything like that and again thank you. 

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