Shower (smut)

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" Dabi " "hmmm" he hummed in reply to show he was listening " I need a shower " " come with me " he and I stand up and he had me follow him to what I assume to be his room it was all black and with black sheets he leads me to a door and I see it's a bathroom I walk in and I walk in I turn on the shower I shut the door I take my top off and my pants soon join them I get in the shower and I just stand under the water as it whips all the dirt and other things I have on me while I was I joy that I didn't hear the door open or the sound of his clothes dropping I didn't see his silhouette on the curtain I conveniently had my back to I was thinking about how Dabi has been acting lately until the jerk of his hand in my clit brought me back to the present with every stroke I can feel that the water isn't the only thing that is wet in between my legs I have a low moan he smirks that's when he ripped the shower curtain open I moved so he had enough room to get in I turned around he faced you tracing you with his eyes when I turned around to look at him his dick was standing on point he was rather large for a man and his girth didn't help rather I gulped I got closer to him and that is how I found myself against the wall him behind me hand furiously rubbing my clit with every stroke I got closer and closer he bent down and grabbed my throat " you aren't coming yet I'm not done with you yet " he squeezed a little " do you hear me don't cum " " yes Dabi " I said he smirked he started playing with my nipples and his hand on my clit resumed going faster then before I groaned he kept going he said that because he knew I wouldn't be able to not come he is poking and prodding and rubbing making it near impossible to follow his order " fuck " " don't come " he teased while speeding up I stood straight up as my orgasam hit if it weren't for dabis arm I would have collapsed " what did I say " " fuck you dabi " he smirks at me " that's not a nice thing to say to the person who is pleasering you now is it " I groaned then I felt something hard hit my thigh next to my entrance " I would have gone easy on you but only if you didn't come " then I felt him push in the tip I gasped he put the rest In and stood there waiting for the sign to move I was adjusting I nodded to him he slowly pulled out and slammed back in pleasure shooting through my body he started relentlessly pounding into me having no mercy at all fucking me senseless right off the bat I was moaning so loud I wouldn't be surprised the whole base herd " Dabi I want to see you " he sighed and he turned me around lifting me up back against the wall he started pounding again hitting at a different angles that's when he dropped me I felt pain in my ass and he shoved his dick in my mouth forcing me to take him all in he rammed into the back of my throat when I felt and thick substance go down my throat I swallowed it all I was sitting on the shower floor h shot down with me he started to wash my hair when he finished he stood back up " can you walk " " Um " my first and last attempt landed in his arms " I will help you this time but next time your on your own " " next time " he helped me out got me dressed and took me back to my cell then walked to the main area of the base everyone was looking at him " what " " did you just fuck the captive " " maybe what's it to you " " oh this is perfect "

Hey sorry for not posting I have been cleaning but I hoped you liked it.

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