wedding night (SMUT)

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Your POV

we where in the car and i was getting the vibe that i wont be walking tomorrow as i cuddled into touya he gently rubbed my hip i sighed and almost fell asleep until i felt him squeeze my hip and i squeaked and looked up at him " no falling asleep baby i need you awake and ready for when we get home " he said in a husky tone and i shivered he only chuckled and we pulled to a stop and he quickly grabbed me and rushed inside and threw me on the bed he hovered over me and reached for the back of my dress and he slowly unzipped it as he did that i grabbed hi belt and started to undo it he growled and grabbed my wrists and held it above my head and grabbed his belt and tied my wrist to the head board and he took my dress off being careful not to rip it and once it was off he saw my black lacy panties and matching bra he groaned in anticipation he caressed my dripping cunt then slapped my ass and i squeaked at the sudden sting and he smiled and did it again and this time i moaned and he liked that " you liked that little one " he asked and i nodded " touya its not fair i'm getting all the attention........ do you wanna try 69" i mumbled the last part but he heard it loud and clear and undid the belt and grabbed me putting me over top of him and already started as i bent over and took him into my mouth and he groaned he pulled my hips back into him and that caused me to grip him hard i felt his tongue dive into me and i squealed around his cock and bucked into my mouth and i grind on his face and he seemed to love that making him grab my hips and push me down on his face which made me moan on his cock and he started thrusting his tongue into me and slowly thrust into my mouth and all i could do was let him i was in such a pleasure drunk state i could barley realize he had put fingers in my ass until he started moving them i let out a sound i never knew i could he we both stopped i covered my mouth with my hand and looked under me at him he looked at me surprised " i didn't know i could make that noise " i told him he nodded and then a devilish smirk appear on his lips and he looked back at me and started moving his fingers again and i made another noise and he chuckled " damn your a kinky bitch aren't you what else are hiding from me " and all i could do was moan and he seemed to like it cause he kept going as he kept going i shoved him back down my throat so i wouldn't keep making the weird noises i was making but he was having none of the he sat up grabbed my hair pulling me off him and put me on all fours hand in my hair and other in my ass and kept thrusting them in and out he let go of my hair and grabbed his cock an slid in " haaaaaaa" i squealed " oh my god baby are you alright did i hurt you " he asked i shook my head " it feels so good i'm so full " i said and he chuckled and started moving in and out i racked mt nails down his back he groaned and held his fingers there until i was a moaning mess he started moving them my tongue lulled out and my eyes rolled into the back of my head " shit i'm gonna cum " he said i only moaned in response and i felt him release " haaaaaa" i moaned and he gripped my hips hard and collapsed on me we where both breathing heavy " fuck that was good " he said in between pants i only nodded and was about to fall asleep again but we kept me awake " oh no baby we aren't going to stop until the sun comes up " he said and my eyes widen looking at him he chuckled " thats right baby you wont be walking the whole honeymoon " he said in a husky tone and he changed the position and started again we had done so many different positions and things i feel like i am going to break it was now 7 am and he finally stopped i was panting like a dog and i was collapsed on his chest with him holding me in his arms rubbing up and down my back " if i'm bleeding i'm going to kill you touya" i said " what you cant be mad at me you loved it " he said as i went to get up he grabbed me " baby i wouldn't do that " he said " i know but i have to pee " i said " just go in the bed i have to wash the sheets anyway " he said " no i don't want the mattress to smell " i said and slid off the bed and winced when i hit the floor and i grabbed the table standing up i could feel stuff running down my legs i hopped it wasn't blood or pee i reached down and it was just cum as i made it into the bathroom i looked into the mirror and i was covered in bruises and bite marks and blood i was bleeding from the bite marks i sighed and went to the bathroom i cleaned up a bit then went back out to the bed and laid back down on touya and drifted off .

Touyas POV

i had gotten up while she was in the bathroom and looked at the damage to the sheets it only looked to be covered in our juices and her blood and maybe a little of mine i sighed and laid back down she had come out and laid back on my chest i wrapped my arms around her and she shoved her head in the crook of my neck and fell asleep i sighed and soon fell asleep as well thank goodness we still have two days tell we leave for the honeymoon.

( hi everyone i am back i have been busy with school i had been writing this during class lol thank you for 22k and for reading this chapter i will see you in the next one feel free to vote comment or follow if you like my content again thank you and see you in the next chapter.)

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