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Your POV

as I was discharged I was so happy to finally be going home and so as I stepped into the dorms all the lights were off and when they flicked on " SURPRISE!!!" all of the class yelled at me my mouth dropped and I let a couple tears of joy slip through and they all laughed at my reaction and I was brought into a huge group hug I smiled and I looked to Touya because he had a huge grin on his face and I knew that meant he knew this was going to happen and when they let me go they all went separate ways and enjoyed the party even dad was having a good time with his friends.

Touya's POV

as I watched my baby girl get enveloped in a group hug I stood back and watched with a smile and as they let her go and went to enjoy the party she came over to me and cuddled her head into my chest while she hugged me and all I did was smile she looked up to me and she grabbed my hand and dragged me out into the party she started dancing and giggling so I started dancing with her and after the song she was smiling at me and we sat on the common room couch she sat in my lap cuddled up to my chest as I wrapped my arms around her and she layers her head in the crook of my neck she kissed my neck and I let out a low croon she kept at it and soon found the soft spot on my neck and I let out a low moan " baby girl you gotta stop or I will take you right here on this couch in front of everyone and they will see the way you stretch around me and the beautiful face you make when you cum or how you love when I eat you out and suck on that tiny little clit of your or how you love it when i tongue fuck your beautiful cunt i will show everyone how i can make your cunt into a dripping mess for me and belive me I will show everyone here all of that even your dad " I whispered in her ear she turned a dark crimson red and stopped kissing my neck and laid there her head in the crook of my neck as she almost went to sleep I knew she was asleep when her breathing slowed down and her body relaxed she was so peaceful so i stood up and took her to our room and i laied her down and covered her and let her sleep as i quietly shut the door so i wouldn't wake her i turned around to see aizawa he started at me " how can i help you " i asked " what where you doing " he asked " i laied her down because she fell asleep on me " i said simply he just nodded and went back down stairs and i followed. 

Your POV

as I woke up in the morning I looked over and saw Touya and I smiled at him and I gently stroked his hair and he soon woke he smiled down at me and kissed my head I started getting up to stretch and I was pulled back down " mmmmmm" Touya grumbled I giggled at him he just sighed snd cuddled me more so I turned to face him and we cuddled a lot. 

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